

I am V and this is my blog.

I am a Mummy to two little munchkins who terrorise me and take up most of my waking hours, and a wife to a man who always knows how to make me smile.

This blog is my happy space. I started this blog in 2005, the year I was to be married. I wrote my first post on my birthday and was immediately addicted.

I've come a long way since then.

My husband, DD, remains my ever faithful partner-in-crime, though these days, our lives pretty much revolve around our two children. Noey arrived in this world in Oct 2008 and turned our lives upside down. Undeterred, we added little Nomi to the mix in Mar 2011. They are my greatest inspirations and I cannot imagine life without them.

Through it all, I have continued to chart the course of my life on these pages with the Lord as my guide and my family as my anchor. I write for me, for my biggest fan DD, and for my children, that all of us might remember have a record of the times that we shared. But through this blog,  I've come to know many wonderful people whom I would never have met but for this space of mine. It is also for them and for the other people I know I will meet that I continue to keep this space. Thank you for stopping by and sharing in our lives.

With two young children, it is inevitable that my life, and by extension, this blog has become rather child-centric. I talk alot about Parenting, and also because I'm quite a field trip Mama, you'll find quite a bit on the Outings that I take the kids on. (My husband joins me, not always willingly, on weekends.) I'm fond of Museums and my husband loves Lego, both of which we've found ways to enjoy with the kids. I also love to Cook, so you'll find some of my recipes here too.

I am a Mummy, but more than that, I am a wife, a daughter, a woman. I hope to give you a glimpse of that.

In recent months, I've also really started getting into Instagram. So if you're curious about what we get up to on a daily basis, my instagram feed is where you're going to find out. Here's where I post snippets of the action, some of which make it to full-fledged posts but many of which do not. It's just a treasured collection of the simple moments, all glossed up with Instagram's photo-enhancing filters. I love it.

If you've browsed by and something catches your eye or you have something to say, drop me a note, either by leaving me a comment or dropping me an e-mail at Or follow me on instagram at @mummybean! Either way, I'd love to hear from you.

* Please do not reproduce content or download pictures from this site without my express permission. Please also contact me before you proceed to feature any of my posts or link to my site. Thank you.

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