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Friday, July 22, 2005

And our honeymoon destination is...




Till we change our mind again that is... :P

And this book is my latest purchase!

I have this practice of buying at least one guidebook for each place we've visited - as a keepsake of the journey and as a record of all the places we've been together. And in addition to this we'd borrow a number of guides from the library as well... Talk about kiasu! :P

But yes, we've currently decided on Hawaii, stopping over for quite a few days in Japan as well since it's on-route. This after having lunch today with DD's cuz Steph, who excitedly started telling us all the things we could do in Hawaii (cos one of her good friends went there for honeymoon) and Japan (cos she went there herself and really enjoyed it). But the clincher that has me set on Hawaii? The fact that in addition to beautiful scenery, etc, there's Outlet Shopping!!! Yeeeeessssss... Ha ha...

To those who think Hawaii isn't terribly original - stuff it. Like my dear friend G who (being male) scoffed and asked me why I didn't want to go somewhere more exotic, like Antartica (?!?!?!) I'd just ignore that suggestion. The truth is, we don't really have much choice because it's near the end of the year, which means cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere. And Maldives is just coming out of the rainy season, so I'm not sure if we should risk it.

Anyway, dear Steph forwarded me a whole bunch of links for Onsen places in Japan so I think I'll be kept busy for quite a while! And while I'm at it, no harm drooling over the super nice Gorakadan place Louis is always going on about...



  1. U got me excited. The reason why tehpeng suggested hawaii to me is that i can get to shop while enjoying the beaches. *woot*

    time to seriusly think about it. butwe'll prob do a bali trip then the honeymoon later.
    No budget.
    But then i get 2 trips! haha. not complaining!

  2. well, we're determined to get a good one in after the wedding cos DD says it's the best chance for him to get long leave - no one will can say no! sad right, that it's so hard to squeeze out leave...

    so definitely going after the wedding :)

  3. Hahaha so funny, we got time. not $$.
    yrs is the other way around!:)

  4. err, not really - think we've got no money and no time! but we're still going anyway... :P



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