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Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring Break

I've been feeling rather restless and low in recent days. Too many things have been swirling around me, and brooding has been the order of the day.

Guess there's nothing like a holiday to cheer me up.

We've decided to go ahead with our travel plans despite the break being a little shorter than we would have liked. By squeezing out a couple of days at the beginning and at the end, we can get in a decent 10 days and so we are going to...

More accurately just the southwest coast - Naples, Pompeii, Capri, and the Amalfi Coast. And hopefully squeeze in a couple of days in Rome to visit the some of the same spots we visited as poor students back in 2000.

Hmmm, I think it's working - I'm definitely feeling a teeny bit better now just thinking about it :)


  1. Italy... Wasn't that where DD first held your hand? keke... such sweet memories...

  2. yes, it was! hee hee, you remember! that's why italy has a special place in our hearts. thought we'd go back just for the fun of it...

  3. Nice! Me have to live my travel bug through you guys! :P

  4. good thing you had quite the fill of holidays last year! :)

    we will live the "taking the next step to becoming parents" joruney through you! really very happy for you guys.

  5. silver_crv20/3/07 13:55

    "remmember the old days" trip? :P

  6. Made in Italy for you perhaps? :):)

  7. Haha... seems like we all need to travel to get our babies produced!

  8. hehe! it'll be nice to have a "made in Italy" from you. "made in Spain" will have a companion! ;)

    shall be taking travel tips from you when we save up enough for europe trip. :D

  9. Aiyoh, you guys! We haven't even left yet! No such plans lah... :)

  10. Oh cool!!! Will want to live vicariously through you too! Heard so many beautiful things about italy!! :)

  11. i was just going to leave the same comments as yvonne and candice. "made in italy" sounds so classy!

    all the expensive babies popping out around! hahahaha!

  12. Good on you guys!! Yeah, I support the "Made in Italy" idea!!! ;)

  13. kopikia >> it is beautiful - i should show you my old photos to tempt you :) actually you can travel now what, no? better lugging yourself around than yourself and baby!

    michelle >>> ahahahaha... your comment about it being classy makes the (non-existent) baby sound like a HANDBAG!!

    jemej >> don't you jump on the bandwagon too! aiyoh.

  14. hahah yah will go feast on gelato before doctor says my blood sugar is too high for sweets! :)



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