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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grow Grow Grow

Remember that mini garden Noey put together at Hort Park a couple of weeks back? I'd forgotten how easily green bean plants germinate and how quickly they grow!

Monday morning: Little roots germinating.

Tuesday morning: Some of the shoots have already come up and leaves are starting to unfurl. If you look carefully, you'll see that a couple of the corn seeds have also put out roots.

My little gardener. Obviously more interested in digging things up than leaving them to grow.

Wednesday morning.

Thursday morning: !!!!

Noey admiring his mini-jungle.

Of course with the plants having grown so impressively, I was reluctant to simply let them die out. So I went to buy some soil and pots to re-pot them and see how much they could grow. Then I chanced on a basil plant at the super market and thought, hey, why don't I just grow one so that I could stop buying packets of basil for that little that I use in some of my dishes. And since it's Christmas soon enough, I grabbed a couple of poinsettia for for good measure. So now, I -- suddenly -- have a small, very random collection of plants sitting on my balcony needing care and attention. Well, I'm not really known to have green fingers so I'll see how long they last!


  1. This is cooool!! haha will try this with YK!! :)))

  2. well done you! random happy little garden created just like that voila! and seriously that was quick growth :)

  3. I like plants but unfortunately lack the green fingers. Wanted very badly to have a flourishing desert rose potted plant (fu4 gui4 hua1), bought one a few CNYs ago, and finally decided to give it a decent burial. It was really suffering. :|

  4. kopikia :: i imagine your little professor would be quite interested. haha! i really didn't expect it to grow that quickly. was actually quite fascinating for me too!

    daphne :: yeah, now i'm wondering how long i can keep them alive!

    lyndis :: i'm just like you Lyn. my MIL on the other hand can make anything grow. pity D is like the opposite of her -- he can kill any plant!



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