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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Our Hawaiian Adventure

Received a nice surprise from DD this morning - a teaser for our honeymoon: Pictures of one of the mystery places we're staying at in Hawaii!

It's a surpise for me so all I have now are these...

Whee... Very excited now.

Happy news on the wedding front: Ivan is making it back to S'pore and will be coming for the church wedding. Bumped into an old classmate YY yesterday and she'll be coming for the church wedding as well :) And am meeting my terribly apologetic Bristol friends, half of whom cannot make the wedding tonight. So all is not lost I guess.

Okie, off to work.



  1. piggy_pat7912/10/05 13:00

    wow! that looks like a mansion! definitely a dream come true! in hawaii somemore!!

    more piccies when u are there pls! =)

  2. eh very nice!! :)DD is making the arrangements? Nice!

    THANK YOU for the wishes! :)

  3. yeah, we were researching together last week but didn't come up with much. i happened to ask him about it this morning and it seems he's gone ahead to book stuff without tell me! now he wants to keep it a surprise... :)

    and you're welcome - birthdays are meant to be celebrated :)

  4. have a great honeymoon! the countdown to the wedding is getting hotter :)

  5. thanks! yup, it has... tomorrow we move into single digits for the number of days... :)



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