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Friday, November 18, 2005

The Husband Speaks


My first post on beanbean's blog - my fave website! I have learned alot of things about my dear wife here, though mostly to do with what she would have liked (but ended up being vetoed by me) for our wedding which took place exactly 28 days ago!

So for my first post, what better way to start than with a short writeup on our honeymoon?

First things first - our honeymoon was FUN! It was easily one of our best holidays together.

The picture you see on the top of the post is us, ze happily married couple in one of the historical sites in Hawaii. Obviously, being a historical site, there are alot of rocks strewn about in a random fashion with markers placed by the site management committee at various places, indicating the location of various temples, royal grounds, etc etc, all of which can be seen only with a very powerful and fertile imagination: "wow, look -- this rock, though small and no bigger than a pebble, simply exudes grandeur as it was no doubt part of a bigger rock that formed part of a bigger rock wall that was no doubt a bigger unidentified large structure which we can only conclude, given its precise location on this otherwise unmarked lanscape, was the temple annex for the priests" -- or something like that.

In any case, the rock that you see beanbean sitting on, was apparently a bench for one of the former kings of hawaii. You can't tell from the picture, but it faces out to the open ocean and near to it is a beach with shallow waters and swaying coconut palms. In other words -- an ideal place to catch some shut-eye after having a nice heavy lunch, prepared by loyal servants and served no doubt by nubile young maidservants. Great to be king, huh!!

The rest of the historical site (described as "Place of Refuge": translation) is pretty interesting as well, with replica huts where the commoners would stay and replica statues "guarding" the premises, photos of which i am not too sure how to upload at this time.

That day, we also went visiting around Kona, which apparently makes amazing coffee. This claim is true - Kona coffee is expensive (around 18 USD per pound) for a reason - great aroma, silky smooth flavour and NO acidity in the samples we tried. We also bought macadamia nuts and chocolate covered coffee beans and other stuff, most of which we have given away to our various friends, relatives and loved ones.


After our coffee tours and shopping, we rushed off for our scheduled dinner cruise but knowing how late we usually are for things in general (such as, if you remember, my guo da li and to a lesser extent, our wedding dinner) we duly (in character) missed the bus pick up thereby necessitating a frantic drive to the pier and me running at full speed so as not to literally, miss the boat.

The cruise was also a great deal of fun - with hawaiian cultural dances and bongo playing and a nice fat guy singing pretty good covers of favourite love songs. One thing we noticed however was that there were so many people in hawaii who are there to celebrate some special occasion - honeymoon, anniversary (28 years, 39 years, 45 years...). It was special for that reason -- to be in a place where love is expressed and very present everywhere you go.

So, of course the cruise was romantic! We saw sunset from the boat:

and of course participated gladly in the dancing-dancing:

Went back to the resort -- tired from all the activities of the day, but happy nonetheless. All in all, a nice day!



  1. wah! u make me so envious!
    i also wanna go hawaii!
    sounds like it was really relaxing.. the bean pic was really cute!

  2. hee hee, i really like the coffee beans as well :)



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