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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

An Escape From Reality

Back to reality after an amazing long weekend.

I got a ton of well-wishes this year, and I'm truly touched. Thanks to all who wished me many happy returns in person, over sms and through this blog! You all played your part in making turning 29 that much easier :)

That and our lovely escape to the Beaufort.

A view of room 449

Breakfast on the Terrace

The Resident Peacocks

The Grounds by the Pavillion

Chilling in the Pool

More views of the Grounds

What can I say? It was really lovely.


  1. Sob sob... and I'm gg to be this fat-assed, lumpy, double-chin woman turning 29.

  2. Aww, I've always thought the Beaufort is lovely. Happy 29th! :)

  3. oh that is so sweet of D! And I like that shot of yours having breakfast. You look so blissful. :) Happy Birthday, gal!

  4. blissful shot indeed, the one at breakfast!

    hey babe, you confirmed for cupcake class on the 16th?? :)

  5. silver_crv6/6/07 17:23

    pretty quiet....looks like you guys booked down the whole place ya? :D

    Happy 29th!!

  6. dr >> babe, you're a hot mama (or is the term now yummy mummy?), or well on your way to being one anyway!

    debra >> thanks!

    mff, jemej >> i think it was the morning light! :)

    silver-crv >> haha, i wish! it was pretty quiet on thurs and fri, but the pple descended on sat.



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