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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Here's Looking At You Kid

These days, I look forward to the start of every month cos it means that we'll be seeing Little Being again.

We love taking a peek at him cos each time he's always up to something. At 12 weeks, he was making little sudden bounces on screen. Our little mexican jumping bean, we called him. At 16 weeks, he was playing with his hands, opening and closing them while turning around. And at 18 weeks when we interrupted him with an unexpected scan at lunch, we found him sleeping with his arms held vertically across his face, and when nudged, he squirmed and used one of his feet to idly scratch his other leg. Haha.

And yup, I said did say he/him cos we confirmed that Little Being is a BOY! Sadly this means no pink, ruffles or ribbons for this pink, ruffled and be-ribboned Mum-to-be. But don't worry Little Being, I still love you the same!

This Saturday we were scheduled for our detailed scan so we got to watch him on screen for a nice long time. And one thing's for sure, we're going to have a active little bundle on on our hands! Oh dear. "Your baby is very busy ah!" exclaimed the ultrasound technician as she got down to work trying to catch enough stills to make the necessary measurements. And he was. It was also funny watching him casually swimming out of range each time the ultrasound was poised to take a shot. Looks like DD may have a challenging subject to photograph in future!

I went for the ultrasound at 21 weeks and came out into my 22nd week cos the Little Being's measurements were nearly off the chart, so the technician adjusted my EDD to 10 Oct (from the original 13 Oct). Even then, Little Being had a larger than average head, abdomen and longer than average legs, causing me to immediately declare that he's going to look like DD. He was most indignant about my reference to a big head coming from him, but well...

Looking forward to the next appointment at 26 weeks. Till we see you again, baby.


  1. Anonymous14/6/08 03:06

    it's a BOY! the first Ong since Justin, in 20 years!!! have you told the family yet? (what a silly question) bet mamah, dad and mum must be overjoyed! it's so exciting!!!! and your descriptions are so cute, can't help but smile. :)

    and oh, i so agree about a "challenging subject to photograph", must really take after you both... hehe...

    btw, has anyone told you i'll be back from the 17-31st july? can't wait to see you!

  2. Hahahaha! Yes, lilboys are active!

    has DD shopped lfc baby stuff yet? :)

  3. Anonymous14/6/08 14:43

    oh it's a boy!! i'll only know next week. my lil one just keeps hiding, so shy!

    isn't it amazing how much they grow in a matter of weeks! :)

  4. nat >> you're forgetting jon, but yes, it's been a while! dad was really pleased, and mama too, needless to say. will drop you an e-mail soon - sorry, been busy. looking forward to you coming back!

    lilsnooze >> ah, no, he hasn't! think it's a matter of time though...

    yuling >> ooo, looking forward to your big reveal :) yeah, earlier on, my doc actually told me it was a girl, then at the last minute when "wait a minute...". i wasn't convinced till this detailed scan!

  5. so sweet!! hahahh congrats! maybe next time he can be lil nat buddy!! =p

  6. Anonymous16/6/08 08:58

    hey !! boy boy!! hello boy boy!! :D

  7. Anonymous16/6/08 10:21

    hoho... let the shopping begin!! and the name choosing too :)

  8. yeah Little Being Ong doesn't cut it on the I/C you know.. haha congrats! its a boy! one more wrestling partner for YK! haha

    and he's so cute!!! Scratching his leg with the other leg already?? awwww so advanced!!!! :)

  9. Anonymous16/6/08 22:58

    It's a boy! Congrats :)

  10. elaine >> well the babies will have to hang out when the mummies get together! :)

    silver-crv >> hello! *waves*

    nanie >> as usual, we've only bought... clothes. and we only have girls' names! stresssss...

    kopikia >> haha, well, it sure looked like that was what he was doing!

    olimomok >> thanks!

  11. 10 oct!! it's a good date. hehe! my anniversary date, which i had harboured thoughts of having my kids born on that day. ;)

    congratulations on having a boy!



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