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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


For the first time last night, Noah slept through the night. Woo hoo!

There. Just felt like I wanted to put that on record so I know it actually happened.

I'd been waiting for it, more so since my milk supply seems to have regulated itself somewhat and I don't have to worry about getting mega painful engorgement at night if he doesn't wake up to feed. (Too many bad experiences of sitting by his cot at 5am wondering if he's going to wake up soooon cos I was in paaaaaain! But more on that in another post.) He's actually been really good, most of the time waking only once at night and doing a 5-hour stretch since he was about 2 months old, but man, did it feel good to get a full 7 hours of sleep at one go. Now to try to repeat that again... The problem was that he went to sleep a bit overtired last night from having come back a little late from my parents' place, and I really don't want to repeat THAT! Hmmm.

Still a-snoozing and catching up on my afternoon nap. A growing baby needs his sleep, you know?

(Yes, I let him sleep on his tummy in the day time cos he sleeps soooo much better. Oops.)


  1. Anonymous21/1/09 17:58

    So out of point I know, but I dig his top! Sooo cheery!

  2. HOORAY!!! I rem feeling damn shiok at my first mpre-than-2-hour-stretch of sleep too!

  3. yuling:: it's a onesie from gap! his wardrobe is like 30% gap, 30% carters and 40% everything else, thanks to our US trip last year!

    lilsnooze:: yah man! now looking forward to an encore performance. haha.

  4. Anonymous22/1/09 11:32

    Such a cute top!!

    I trained Ellie to sleep through the night a few weeks back. The paed said once they hit around 3.5 months they are physically ready to sleep for 8 hours. So when he gets up at night, I just pat him back to sleep. After a while, he realised there was no milk to be given in the middle of the night and since then has been doing 8 hour nights. THANK GOD for the sleep!!

  5. er, nothing too wrong with sleeping on the front, esp in the day when you're watching him, right? :) I did that.. yk's sleeping on his front even now! :P

  6. amanda:: maybe i should try that too. it's just that i have this hang-up about whether he's drinking enough, so i take every opportunity to feed him. guess i should just try to make sure he drinks more in the day!

    kopikia:: got lots of warning about how it increases the risk of SIDS. but since i've seen him turn his head (with ease) in his sleep, i'm not really worried.



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