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Monday, February 09, 2009

Baby Tea Party

Noah and I had a wonderful Saturday at the Seah's lovely abode. With a table full of food, tea (in pretty teacups), lo hei, plenty of chatter and many babies, what was there not to love?

And to think that I considered giving it all a miss when DD was recalled to the office for the whole day leaving me to make the trip to the East all on my own. But I had been looking forward to meeting up with everyone for a while. After all, this gathering was originally scheduled to take place when I was still pregnant, and now Noah's 4 months old! (And has a name!) So in the end I bundled the little bub out of the house nice and early and made the trek over. And I'm glad I did cos there nothing like a little chit chat, lots of food and plenty of babies to cuddle to lift the spirits.

Noah was fairly cooperative, allowing me to eat with one hand for sometime, before Tehpeng very kindly took him off my hands for a while. And he later even obliged me with a short nap.

Blissfully asleep with beside his new friend Elliot, leaving happy mummies to eat for a while in peace!
(Pic from Lilsnooze)

Awake thereafter and at the table with mummies in tow
(Pic by Debra)

It was fun seeing little Nat, Matt (Candice's borrowed baby), Kristy and Elliot, who are all older than Noah. Looking at them gave me a glimpse of what's ahead for me. They aren't able to play together yet but my, I think it would be a real circus when they are! Even then, they're not too young to start being friends.

Nothing like a shared nap and diaper change to make one friends! (Even if he is a Man U fan! Heh!)

Like I said, it was a lovely afternoon. Looking forward to the next one!


  1. Anonymous11/2/09 09:04

    Aww love the pics!!! Haha re the Man U fan comment!!

  2. Anonymous11/2/09 11:19

    Haha soon they'll be crawling/running around together!

  3. Anonymous11/2/09 16:55

    Yeah...can't wait to have our bubs interacting with each other...it will be so much more fun!



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