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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Michelle and Jon Wed

We journeyed to the East on Saturday morning with Noah (after his morning bath) to attend Mich and Jon's wedding.

It was a lovely affair, and not only because of the many pretty details that they had worked into the decorations, but also because of the obvious joy many of their friends and relatives shared in coming together for the event, in particular the youths of their church fellowship that both Michelle and Jon are close to. The flood of photos on Facebook taken at their wedding by their many friends and relatives bear testament to this!

It's been a while since I've attended a church wedding and it's so lovely to see a couple come together to commit their lives to each other in the presence of the Lord. I nearly missed the most important exchange of vows when Noah decided it was time for a feed but fortunately the cryroom came to the rescue.

It was also great to catch up with Yvonne, Amanda, Ruth and Carrie who also came down to witness the ceremony. We've truly come a long way from just being online friends. I didn't get a good shot of or with the couple unfortunately so we'll have to wait for the official pic of the shot we took "for the Internet!" as Mich happily declared. I'm pretty sure I heard Jon groan. Heh.

Instead, Yvonne and I took some pics with our bubs.

Nat giving a sweet big brotherly kiss to Noah

Nat: There I've done it. Now can I go?
Noah: Can I give you a big slobbery one back?

Not satisfied with a kiss, Noah wants Nat's shirt as well.

Congratulations Mich (and Jon)! Now don't wait too long to join the Mummy club yah? Haha.


  1. Hahaha look at Nat's disinterested face!

  2. Haha, he sooo wants to be somewhere else! So cute lah, your boy!

  3. hah? one week of being married only... what mummy club are you talking about?? hahaha...



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