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Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Swimming Non-Event

After getting positive reviews from Amanda (and others) who tried out this baby swimming programme, we took Noah down to Plaza Sing last Saturday to let him give it a try. We thought that the warm water would be a better introduction to swimming than the regular pool, and we were pretty excited about it since everyone else's baby seemed to have really enjoyed it. Daddy went armed with the camera and video camera and Noah's Yiyi and boyfriend came as well to witness this event.

But guess what? Noah totally HATED it. Hur hur.

Here he is during the better times before we put him in the water. Poor bub didn't know what was ahead of him yet!

He was alright when the float was put around his neck -- he was in fact studying it rather curiously. But as soon as we put him in the water, he started crying, kicking and clutching at the float rather desperately. I think he was actually afraid when he couldn't hold on to anything. (Come to think of it, he always holds on to the sides of his tub when bathing). Ah, poor baby. Not sure if it would have made a difference if we fed him before letting him swim, but well. I think we'll wait for a bit before attempting to bring him to the regular pool instead!

Feeling rather unfulfilled since the swimming was meant to be THE activity for the afternoon, we made a spur of the moment decision to visit Marina Barrage instead. Aside from the fact that many MANY others had the same idea and the walk from the carpark was really rather LONG (about 200 metres by DD's estimation?) we -- baby included -- really enjoyed this outing.

It was a bit of a hazy day

While Daddy isn't looking, Noah makes a dive for the rings of the sling.


Mummy's turn. I can never look as neat as DD does with this MIM sling!

This shot really reminds me of when I was pregnant! Now with a 7.5kg baby. Eeeps.

One highlight was finding out that the 7 Storey Hotel Charcoal Steamboat has moved to Marina Barrage. I LUUUURRRRVE steamboat like you wouldn't believe. I can probably eat it everyday. DD on the other hand is not as fond of what he dismissively terms boiled food. But he likes this charcoal steamboat restaurant so I'm so happy to have found it again!

There were a ton of couples (it was Valentine's Day after all) and DD and I had a good time reminiscing about our boyfriend-girlfriend days and smiling at all the lovey-dovey folk enjoying their picnics along the walkways and available grass verges. There was also a very popular waterplay area for the kids which Noah will have to wait quite a bit to be able to enjoy!

I'm now looking forward to our picnic girls!


  1. Anonymous21/2/09 03:59

    Oh, Elliot was initially a little apprehensive too but the lady asked us to give him his pacifier and he was ok in 5 mins. Poor Noah, maybe he's more of a land baby!!

  2. Eeps. Jayden has / had the same problem. I'm kind of traumatised to bring him back seeing how he nearly cried the whole place down.

    and D, it is NOT boiled food!!!!

  3. Poor Noah! One of my friend's baby boy reacted the same way! He screamed the entire time he was in the water. I don't think she brought him back there again. Heh. Maybe they need to get used to the float thing in a more familiar environment. And, I usually LOVE steamboat too esp the yinyang ones with mala soup - except for now when boiled meats just taste ugh to me =P

  4. Ah, been wanting to try the swimming thingy. Hmmmm...

    Babe, I'm with your hubby on the steamboat, ha! Never had any patience with waiting for the food to cook, and they all taste the same in the stock. Yup, it's boiled food for me too. Hee. :p

  5. OH u went to that swimming place!! Den and I have been toying with the idea but always too lazy to actually bring qi down for a swim. Based on what u just shared, she might not like it too coz she finds security in holding onto things.

    Maybe noah would enjoy a splash in a warm bath tub instead where mummy or daddy can sit in and hold him :)

  6. i see you've gone to check out the place for us!! :)

    eh.. i love steamboat too la! yums. :p

  7. Amanda :: They asked me to try the pacifier too. He sucked it once and then started crying again, so we had to pull him out!

    Ruth :: Oh, was that recently or a long time ago? Younger babies are supposed to be ok, but not ours. Sigh.

    Corsage :: Well, at least mine wasn't the only baby who didn't like it. Ooo, mala hotpot :) Poor you -- let's meet up for a meal sometime when you get back your tastebuds!

    Yuling :: Hahaha, I love soup lah, so I love the stock! Bring Raeann to try it out, she might love it. The trial is $28 -- they charged us half the amount since he didn't use any of the water (and it was a lot!)

    Nanie :: Yah I plan to bring him into the bathtub one of these days :) Wanted to this weekend but it rained and was so cold!

    Lingz :: Eh, one day we must do a steamboat gathering :)

  8. haha i totally agree about the slings.. how is it that the men can always make it look so neat!?!?!??! But at least you manage to get it on and it looks decent! Well done! haha

  9. Anonymous23/2/09 09:17

    Tehpend is like DD! He doesnt think steamboat is worth the effort..:P But i likey!

    Maybe Noah will feel better and more secure with mummy and daddy in the waters with him!

  10. kopikia :: eh, that's because you can't see the long trail of cloth i always have hanging down one side.

    lilsnooze :: yah, we concluded a long time ago that they should eat together while we have our meal! haha.



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