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Sunday, February 22, 2009

They Grow Grow Grow

When you're a little being in the midst of growing-growing-growing, a lot can happen in a week.

This week Noah progressed from being sort of able to roll from his back to his front, to managing to roll from back to front at will mostly in one direction but getting his arm stuck under him in the progress, to rolling over in both directions from back to front, to proceeding to roll over every instance he got and managing to extract his arm from under him with relative ease, to flipping himself from his front over onto his back, to rolling over 360 degrees.

Diaper changes and daily wipe-downs have become a bit of a tussle as Mr Wriggle-Bum tries to get away every chance he gets.

I'm not going to there for every instance from now on -- It's back to work for me tomorrow, and boy, am I going to miss my baby. The sap that I am, I felt tears prick my eyes as I was holding him after his last feed for the night just thinking about it. At least I know that after Monday, I'll be home on Tuesday asking him if he missed me.

And with these little ones, I guess if you pay attention, you'll always be able to catch them doing something new. DD swears this afternoon he saw Noah, while lying on his front, rake his pacifier (which was conveniently lying with its teat facing upwards) towards him and under his mouth, and when it was in an appropriate position, chomp down on it. It took several attempts apparently, both the raking and getting his mouth on the pacifier, but DD was totally amazed and came to tell me that he'd "witnessed a miracle". Of course Daddy had to take the pacifier away after all of Noey's hard work to see if he'll repeat the feat but as you would expect, he didn't but started to complain instead! Haha.

Don't grow up too quick baby. Big hugs and stay happy, and Mummy will be back soon.

(And yes, I'm actually pretty excited to be going back to the office. Let's see how long that feeling lasts!)


  1. yes, half a week you're in Adult Office and the other half of the week, you're in Baby Office. Best of both worlds! ;)

  2. ooh! he managed to extract his arm and then progressed to 360degrees! he learns sooooo fast!

  3. pei fen :: yes, baby office indeed! it's real work looking after these babies!

    daphne :: i dunno how he suddenly figured it all out at once!

  4. Anonymous24/2/09 08:07

    Hope your first day had gone well. Noah is so cute, especially in the bath tub pics.

  5. thanks wini. it went alright, but the pace will prob pick up soon.



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