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Monday, March 30, 2009

FirstSecond Cut is the Deepest

So this is Noah as we all know him...

We're going for a haircut? What haircut?

And this is him now...

Ok, so who's responsible for me looking like this??

AHHH! I know, my baby's lovely hair is gone! There I was, thinking on Saturday that we were bringing him in for a trim -- the back was getting long and his hair was growing over his ears yet again. But while we were at Junior League, DD asked the lady to even out his uneven hair. His hair was getting rather thin underneath and DD had been laughing about his "toupee" for a while. I knew that and conceptually it sounded like a good idea to even it out, but in my mind I was thinking, wouldn't that involve cutting A LOT of his hair?

Well, YES. And they did.

I'm still a bit mournful about it and in the immediate aftermath, I couldn't recognise my own baby!

I'm a little more used to it now. Honestly his long hair had probably been irritating him for a bit cos he kept scratching the back of his head till it was all red. And now post-cut, we noticed that he hasn't done so. Plus his hair now has a fresh shot at growing back more uniformly. I really hope it does soon! Grow back quick!


  1. alex's mummy31/3/09 00:48

    we went to junior league @ vivo's toys rus for alex's 1st hair cut. i was also quite dismayed that the hair "stylist" trimmed off a lot of hair. haiz. good thing is his hair is growing back.

  2. i like his new haircut!

  3. Hey good-lookin' (with the sultry glare)! I like his new look :)

  4. i like his haircut! he looks so mature now. unlike a certain someone around here *ahem*, noah has wayyyyyy more hair. always good to have more than less ;)

  5. I think he still looks very handsome with his new haircut! Fresh!

  6. He doesn't look bad at all! Just more grown up. And if he is more comfortable then it is a good plus!

  7. A's Mum :: Yah, it's a bit traumatising when you didn't expect so much to be cut off!

    Sue :: Thanks L) Actually now that I've had some time to get used to it, I quite like it too.

    Olimomok :: Haha, he didn't look too pleased after the cut! We were wondering if he had an opinion about it!

    Pei fen :: Yes, when I brought him home, my helper said she thought he looked like a 1 year old! Hair will grow eventually, on his head and on K's!

    Shyanyan :: Thanks. Yah, I don't feel so bad about it now that I've had some time to get used to it :)

    Lilsnooze :: In more of a little thug manner I feel! Hahaha.

    Corsage :: Yah, I actually think he feels less bothered by his hair so that's a good thing.

  8. he looks nice what!! in fact, he looks abit like wang lee hom in this pic.

  9. lyn kang1/4/09 19:31

    I think it suits him! Very handsome. :)

  10. hiya...it was great to finally meet you and Noah! I think he looked really nice with his new haircut! So where's this Junior League place? Might want to go check it out while we're here...

  11. muffin girl3/4/09 02:15

    Noah has loads of hair!!! Wish he can transfer some to K.

  12. Anonymous4/4/09 00:54

    So boy boy! Nice! You have better luck with haircuts than I do!

  13. Very handsome with his new haircut!!! I like :)

  14. Anonymous4/4/09 10:04

    I do like the longer hair. :P He is really such a cute little boy.

  15. candice :: wang lee hom! haha. is it the intense stare?

    lyn & nanie :: thanks, it is objectively not a bad cut. i just miss his old look!

    ker :: yes, it was good to meet you and caitlin (and sean!) too! there are quite a few outlets but i went to the one at suntec. it's on the 3rd floor in the area with all the kids' stuff

    MG :: K looks lovely as she is!

    yuling :: yah, no mistaking him for a girl now!

    weestories :: yah, me too, when i look back at his older pics. waiting for it to grow out...



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