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Friday, July 24, 2009

Suddenly, My Big Little Man

In the past week, Noey feels like he has grown up a whole lot.

He now clearly understands quite a bit more of what we say and it just boggles the mind how he's morphed from the wee, uncomprehending, not-quite-inanimate little being to his current rather aware and interactive self. He now waves bye bye, growls when we say "lion" and plays fetch with his ball. He also can stand independently without support. (He giggles sometimes as he stands, possibly from the sense of wobbliness, and it's incredibly cute.) He walks well with the aid of his walker and turns to me with a commanding "EH!" when he's stuck.

And this morning, he said Papa. (Ok, more like "Pa-pa-pa-boo") Awww, Daddy's boy, this one.

It's times like these that make me glad that I only work part-time, and am home more often than not to catch these little developments of his. I won't deny that some there are days when the day at home with Noey can feel interminable. Especially when he's having a day when he REFUSES to allow me to play with him and just keeps throwing tantrums. He can be pretty bad tempered (again, from me, unfortunately) and would kick his legs in frustration when we take stuff away from him or block him from heading where he wants to go. It would be funny if bad behaviour was cute, but it isn't.

There are also the moments, like when I see the facebook status updates of my single or DINK (dual-income, no kids) friends and they've off on some exotic holiday which seems to be the trend these days -- puerto rico, greenland, places in scandinavia, destinations in south america -- and I think of what I could be doing, and of my "past life", pre-baby. Of the shopping I used to do and the new places I used to love eating at. Of the movies I used to watch in the cinema. And of the FREE TIME I used to have.

Life today is very different. I'll be honest and say that I do miss my past life sometimes. I miss being able to do what I want, when I want to. I miss sleeping in in the weekends. There are a whole host of things I miss. But without Noey, I would miss the tickles and giggles. And looking and cuddling him as he sleeps in my arms. I'd miss his smiles and little antics. And the silly moments we share tumbling on the bed and all over each other. (My poor hair probably would not mind foregoing the yanking though!)

My Big Little Man -- how quickly he grows! It's irreversible, having a child. But I wouldn't return him for the world. Not ever.


  1. *sniff sniff* beautiful, heartfelt entry.

    the days can be long and the nights short (esp when we need more sleep!) but we wouldn't trade it all for anything else. they are too precious to us.

    oh, and noey bad-tempered? pssshawwww! no way! he is one of the most mild-mannered tots around! truly needs to teach my samseng girl a thing or two!

  2. Thank you for such an honest (and beautiful) entry! I was beginning to feel that I must be the most terrible new mummy around for feeling the same things ('past' life and all) and that my girl being difficult is so different from other babies! I'm still learning to enjoy time with my girl.

  3. This surely echos how most of us feel too...

  4. pei fen :: this boy is always very good in public! he acts up only with me! even my mum was amazed at the difference cos she's always telling me how easy he is. wait till you hear him throw a tantrum!

    shyanyan :: hey, hang in there! the first few months are tough, but once you get used to each other, it gets easier. and when they get older and more interactive, it gets more fun.

    lilsnooze :: i'm sure you understand. though sometimes though i read what other mummies write/talk to them and think "am i the only one who doesn't feel the overwhelming need/joy to be with my baby every moment?"

  5. Anonymous26/7/09 08:30

    I share all of your thoughts, and love that photo montage of you and Noey. He is really enjoying himself!

  6. Im at times, guilty of scooting off early from work but indulging in shopping or tea...and not straight home to Nat. Heh.

  7. Yes it's amazing how they morph into little people that understand things!! It never ceases to amaze me!!

    Ellie just started to wave bye bye and it's soooo cute, he gives one big wave as though he's swatting a fly, it cracks me up everytime!

  8. sockling :: he was bullying me as usual! decided to snap evidence with my laptop cam. haha.

    lilsnooze :: quite necessary for our sanity!

    amanda :: noey waves his enitre arm vigourously like he's trying to hit something too. haha. i keep making him do it too!



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