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Friday, October 02, 2009

A Year Ago, Our Lives Changed Forever

On this night exactly one year ago, I found myself unable to sleep. The then-heavily-pregnant me tossed and turned and ended up going going outside to camp on the couch beside DD who was, at that time, engrossed in some Champions League match. I can't remember who Liverpool was playing that night but I remember that they won. (I just checked -- it was PSV).

I ended up sleeping very little that night, and it felt like no sooner had I gone to sleep, I was roused at around 7am by a "click" within me, and what felt like a trickle of pee. I rushed to the toilet and all was well. But when I returned to bed and lay down, I felt the same sensation again. This time I had an inkling that this day might not be just another ordinary day after all. After the third time, and after I'd ascertained that it was probably not pee that was flowing, I woke DD with a tentative "I think my water broke". He was wide awake in a flash. The contractions came soon after, and we timed them at about 8 minutes apart. A call with our gynae confirmed that we were to head to the hospital. It was time -- our baby was coming, 8 days earlier than expected.

I don't think the rest of the day is of any interest to anyone but the 2 (maybe 3) of us! I do remember many things about it like it was yesterday though -- the despair of being in pain and left to the mercies of the labour ward nurse when DD when to complete the admission procedures, going through happy photographs from our holidays that dear DD brought to distract me from the contractions, the weird woozy feeling from the painkiller to dull the contractions before the epidural was administered, the really awful gut wrenching VEs (I really hated those), feeling awfully hungry but throwing up the milo that they finally let me have in the evening, the shivering which was a side effect of the epidural. Through it all, we knew our precious baby waited at the finish line for us and that kept us going. And by God's grace, everything progressed smoothly, albeit a little more slowly than we hoped after the epidural was administered.

By 6pm we were ready to push and push we did. Bet you didn't know that that was the moment that Noey was actually named. We were 90% sure that he was going to be Noah, but since we'd waited that long anyway, we thought we'd have a look at him first to see if the name fit before confirming. As it turned out, in the middle of the pushing process, our gynae and the nurses turned to DD and asked him what Little Being's name was. At that time, DD proffered the tentative reply that we were thinking of calling him Noah and immediately our gynae and the nurses started calling out to our as yet unborn little Noey: "Noah, come on out Noah!". And that was that.

Noey came into our lives at 7.32pm that night and, cliched as it may sound, our lives have never been the same.

Newborn Noey in his first-ever video!


Tonight I cradled my baby as I nursed my 11 month-old to sleep for the last time. Tomorrow he will be 1 year old. Officially a toddler and no longer a baby (even if he will always be MY baby). I let him nurse longer than I sometimes would, and when he was drowsy but not quite asleep, I unlatched him. He sat up with half closed eyes and dived towards me, his palm opening and closing as he signed "milk". I gently moved away from him. "No more milk-milk darling. Come, go to sleep. You can do it," I whispered in his ear. He protested a little, thrashed around a little, but he went to sleep on his own. (Ok, with his hands clutching me and his face buried in my shirt.)

I'm so proud of my big boy.

Happy Birthday Little Noey. We love you more than you'll ever know.


  1. Lol your entry got me all teary in my office.

  2. Same here. So touched I am.

    Happy birthday, little Noey. You are very very loved. We love you too, Noey!

  3. Happy 1st birthday, Noey.

  4. Blessed Birthday to Noey and parenthood to you and DD!

  5. I wanted to say your entry gave me a warm fuzzy feeling as I ready it, and now I see that so many people concur. =) Happy 1 year old Noah.

  6. i can't tell if i'm freaked out by your birth story (i'm massively freaked out that it's going to be my turn soon) OR if i'm warmed by the emotions tied in your account. heh.

    happy birthday little noey!

  7. i love this post and yes, it got me teary too. damn PMS!! *sniffles*

    i had pretty much the same first signs of labour as you. mine was a pop and a gush and like you said, things just rolled on. isn't it amazing, how the kiddos went from in utero to being the bouncy babies they are now?

  8. happy birthday little noey! i'm sure the year has been beautiful for you. to more beautiful years for the family!

  9. Hi, Happy Birthday Noey!

    Seems like he's sleeping like a big boy now.

    Your entry got me looking back at my simple one, when Jedi turned one. Thought I could share it with you.


  10. Happy Birthday, Noah!

    We missed you since you stopped class!

    Blessings from Keri and Aunt Sharon

  11. Happy birthday Noey!! Aww I thought the holiday pics part was VERY sweet!!!

  12. how he has grown... surrounded with warmth and love. he's a lucky boy indeed. quick babe! party pics up please.

  13. silver_crv4/10/09 00:30

    lovely entry :)

  14. happy birthday noey!
    and can i just add that i'm utterly envious of his L-O-N-G lashes? hee... ;)

  15. Anonymous6/10/09 22:40

    happy belated birthday to noah! he's such a cutie too.

    i have forgotten the pain during alex's childbirth. hope to strike soon! ;)

  16. Awww, thanks everyone.

    lingz :: ok, i didn't realise till you pointed out that i'd mostly listed the uncomfortable/difficult parts! oops. i didn't mention that after the epidural, i could take a NAP. that was good.

    pf :: as we always say, they grow too fast.

    elaine :: hi elaine! thanks for sharing! it is wonderful to look back on the year and see how they've grown.

    sharon :: hey sharon, good to hear from you! i've missed class since i pulled noah out, just as i was getting to know you mummies better. it clashed with his nap time and it was just a nightmare in the evenings when he would melt down. he's better now so maybe i should try again to put myself on the class waiting list. thanks for the well wishes.

    amanda :: haha, yes, he read about that in some book and decided to try it as a way to distract me from the pain. it was sweet :) he's forgotten about it by now though!

    vanessa :: sometimes i'm envious of them myself! haha.

    allovertheplace :: good luck! :) i'm sure alex will be a good gor gor!



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