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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Our reunion dinner was a quiet one this year. We joined DD's family for a small immediate-family-only dinner at DDMum's place, instead of having the usual gathering at another Uncle's home.

I must admit that I do miss the bigger and noisier gatherings with my parents and my extended family on reunion night. Somehow it doesn't feel like the New Year is nearly upon us without all the people and the attendant noise!

Then again, the extra face at the table with us this year made more than his fair share of noise to almost make up for it.

The extra (naughty) face of the family

The food also could not be faulted; it was great as always, thanks to my mother-in-law, who is an excellent cook.

Not everyone was thrilled with Noey's presence though. Meow Meow, Nat's cat probably couldn't believe that the pesky kid was over AGAIN  when it wasn't a Sunday!

"Eyes!" said Noey

And he demonstrates

Quiet evenings aren't quite the same anymore with Noey around. He is quite the life of the party!


  1. haha, just here to mention the cat would meow-squeak pitifully in protest everytime noey came near to touching it! but my clever little nephew has learnt to pat him gently, so there’s hope the cat will take to him eventually! yes, even at its grand old age of 19 human years. :)

  2. he's got such dramatic expressions, I LIKE!!!!!

  3. hee hee cute cat cute boy!

    pssst... it's a different 圆 actually! :)

  4. pei fen :: he's the drama king to K's drama queen! haha.

    lyn :: you're right! hahaha! i thought it looked wrong but couldn't figure it out. my chinese has really deteriorated man!

  5. nat :: when i showed him the photos of him and MM that i posted and asked him to identify MM, he said MM was a skunk! haha!

  6. I love that naughty face in the 1st pic!!

  7. He's got alot of cheeky faces!



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