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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Little Sponge

Noey is a little sponge these days. You'll never know when he'll pick up on something you've said or make an association when you least expect it.

My sister was just commenting that she used to wonder how specific she should be when identifying objects for Noey, but she has decided she'll just go ahead "tell it like it is" instead of worring about dumbing it down for him since he seems perfectly capable of absorbing the information. And so have we.

So instead of "bird", we've moved on to "mynah", "sparrow", "crow" or "owl", and instead of "big fish" (courtesy of stories of Jonah), we say "whale" or "shark" or "dolphin", as appropriate. He hasn't been able to distinguish them all yet of course though to his credit, he knows "whale" and "owl".

In the process, I've also discovered how limited some of my own knowledge is, especially when it comes to plants! Yes, I must confess I don't have much of an interest in them. A botanist, I am not. We've been stuck with "tree", "leaf" and "flower" a lot. Oops. I guess it's time to brush up on my own general knowledge.

It has been both rewarding and funny as he picks things up and makes the associations. For example, he can identify clocks and watches, and it totally cracks me up when I say "the clock tells the?" and he chimes "time" in return, especially since I know there's no way he knows what he's talking about!

I was also most pleased that when we asked him, "Who put the rainbow in the sky?" at the end of the Noah story, he was able to say "God!" (Though in Noey-speak, it sounds more like "Dod!") That he probably does not know too much about either, but in time I hope he will.

However, while we've tried not to simplify things too much for him, I had to laugh when while reading to Noey one evening, DD came across a picture of a vulture and told Noey that "vultures feed on carrion". That was a bit much, wouldn't you think?? DD was slightly indignant when I pointed that out, and seriously, I'll fall out of my chair if my 17 month old baby told me that vultures feed on carrion.

But then, sometimes I don't know what to expect with my baby any more. I'm just enjoying the ride.

Conquering the world, one smile at a time


  1. Hey, I wouldn't be surprised if Noey tells us one day that vultures feed on carrions. He's SUCH a bright kid! I'm still waiting for Bean to talk. Lol. Currently, he's at "Ammmm" for the things he wants to eat.

  2. He is so smart! Kids really do surprise you every single day!

  3. hahaha! we just be ourselves, and they will pick up what they will!

    knowing noey, he'll tell you some great truths in that all so earnest voice in future - the (no mummy it's a) 'book' moment sticks in my mind - and make you fall off your chair!

  4. woollendrums11/3/10 16:19

    Hey I'm not surprised if he DOES know what he's talking abt when he says the clock tells the time! Don't underestimate them! :) When he is older, he will tell u that he remembers certain things that you never thought he understood then!

  5. michelle :: hee hee, he'll get there soon enough. can't wait to see what gems come out of his mouth! noey is a fast learner, but he's not a problem solver like Bean. guess they all have their different strengths!

    sockling :: they do, which is why it's such a joy to be around them.

    daphne :: i remember those trees too but they're not the ones i see outside my window or along the street too often! or maybe i just can't identify them when they're not in a text book. hahahaha.

    lyndis :: just got to watch what we say around them more these days :) noey takes everything so literally (as he would, at this age) so it's always really funny.

    woollendrums :: you speak from experience i'm sure! it'll be interesting to hear from him in future. i'm looking forward to that.

  6. i gotta support Darryl on this one.. not only should he say CARRION, he should also add what CARRION is, because i bet your socks noey understands. If not now, very soon he will!:)

    As for recognizing plants and animals, we resorted to buying small cheap tree/plant and common birds guidebooks because even I got curious about what those plants/birds were called! haha!

  7. kids these days are full of surprises for us! i wonder did we impress our parents, aunties and uncles so much then.



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