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Sunday, January 02, 2011

30 Weeks

We ended the year with a peek at our little Mei-Mei on 30 Dec 2010.

I'm officially 30 weeks and really feeling it! I not-very-wisely brought Noey to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden in the morning, thinking that I could manage a nice walk and Noey could entertain himself at the treehouse slide. This past week, it has always rained when I've wanted to bring him out so I just wanted to do something with him that he'd enjoy. We did have a nice walk, checking out the suspension bridge, the waterfall, the stream/pond, the hollow tree and reading all the butterfly sign boards (Noey's idea). We even found teeny tiny mushrooms growing on a damp tree log bench. And naturally Noey had a great time climbing up and sliding down at the treehouse slide. But man, I was bushed at the end of it all! I think that might be the last outing I bring him on alone in a while, and I'm a bit sad about that.

Over the past month or so, I've really started having aches and pains especially around the pelvic area and down below. On some nights, it can be excruciating just to turn and change position. My hip also clicks at times when I walk. Dr Wong diagnosed this as Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction and gave me some self-help tips to help manage it. But as I expected, there's nothing I can do but tahan it out. Worse, she said that if I DO have a 3rd kid, the pain might start from the 12th week. Ack.

So I'm fast approaching lumbering whale stage, but the good thing is that Baby Girl is growing well. She measured in at 1.56kg which is medium-sized, according to Dr Wong. (So that's 1.56kg baby, and the rest of the 10.8kg me, so far.) She was head down but there's still plenty of water so Dr Wong said she might still change position at this time. And she was asleep, curled up with her arms next to her head so all the images we got to see on screen were a bit weird and unrecognisable, like this one.

At 30 weeks.
I can just about make out an arm and an eye-socket. That's pretty much it!

Honestly, I was just grateful that she was sleeping! I guess 2.30pm when we checked in on her this time is our communal nap time -- Noey, Me and Mei-Mei. Otherwise, it feels like she's merrily jabbing away at me all the time. My stomach regularly spasms in ways that would be interesting to watch if it wasn't also pretty uncomfortable! I have noticed that Baby Girl doesn't hiccup, unlike Noey who used to do it all the time.

After this visit, we graduate to having 2-weekly appointments. Wow. Can't believe how fast it's all happening. Baby Girl, we'll be seeing you soon. Your Papa, in particular, is really excited about that.


  1. arghhh i had SPD too and it was a real pain (quite literally!!)

  2. I'm real excited too!!

  3. I was there too on 30 Dec! but at 330... how close!

  4. Anonymous5/1/11 12:10

    Oh so exciting, hang in there!
    and gosh, it really is fast

    For the symphysis pubic dysfunction, do try to do whatever strengthening exercises you can.... may help. Don't want it to affect you after the birth.


  5. debbs :: i didn't have SPD the first time round. now i'm realy waddling because of it. Ouch!

    lyndis :: I think I must have just missed you! I think it was 3pm by the time we left the clinic.

    nish :: thanks dear, i'll try! hope you're doing well by the way!



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