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Monday, April 01, 2013

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt

In a continuation of a long-standing tradition (of 4 years!), we joined the Tan family for their annual Easter Egg Hunt this year. 

I really appreciate the effort our hosts put into organising this and making it meaningful for the kids. Despite having a fairly new baby, Mich found the time and energy to plan this event for the kids. what can I say? We're truly blessed to have such family!

This year there was a little craft segment of making sun-catchers in the shape of eggs. We simply traced 3 egg shapes on the inside of some laminating paper and let the kids decorate these with foam stickers. After they were done, these were run through the laminating machine to seal them. Parents then help to cut out the egg shapes, punch a hole at the top and bottom of each and string them together.

Easter2Kiddies hard at work peeling' and stickin'

Easter1Nomi's pretty egg. (Papa helped.)

Easter3All sealed, cut and strung up, it made a pretty piece!

That's it! Strung up, they made a pretty piece of art, and the parents all approved of the minimal mess factor since no paint or colouring was involved!

The kids then sat down to listen to the story of Jesus' betrayal, crucifixion and resurrection to give context to the day. I was glad to see all of them paying rapt attention.


And then it was time for the egg hunt. Definitely the highlight of the day for the little ones. They couldn't wait to start!

Easter5"Me! I'm excited!" Naomi can't wait to go.

Easter6Pick, pick, picking… the Daddies didn't really hide the eggs but instead spread them around. Then again, just putting them a little higher was enough to bring them out of sight!

Easter7Reaching up to grab some loot!

Easter8"Look at all the eggs we got, Mummy!"

Easter9All the kids with their bags of treasure. As you can see, Naomi was already trying to get at some of that chocolate.

We all had a great time and chocolate aside, I believe the kids carried home the message behind the Easter celebrations. I'm looking forward to next year's edition. Hopefuly by then we'll have been able to get rid of all the chocolate eggs in our fridge! 

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