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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sydney 2013: Home Away From Home

So I was going to kick off my London posts, except that I am currently in Sydney.

Yes, you heard me right. SYDNEY. It felt like we were barely home before we took off in the opposite direction huh.

It was, in all honesty, a spur-of-the-moment trip. The haze situation was getting unbearable towards the end of last week and with the awful smell giving me a headache, I agreed to DD's suggestion to take off for Sydney with the two children to hide out at my in-laws' for a bit. It wasn't an easy decision to make -- I only had one day's notice, there were plenty of appointments that I had in the last week of June that I wanted to keep, there was cold weather to contend with on the other end, both kids would be missing a bunch of classes plus a whole week of school for Noey, and I was going to have to fly and manage the children on my own the whole time as DD was not able to go along.  (Yes, ME ALONE!) On the other hand, we would get to escape the haze (though I hear the air quality has subsequently improved), have some fun exploring Sydney, and the kids would get to spend some time with their gramps over here.

In the end, I decided to just go ahead. The kids are extremely fond of their Ah Kong, and I knew there would be fantastic family support over here. And I was right.

The kids have had plenty of company...


… been well-fed with minimal effort on my part...


…and have gotten to tinker with some old treasures in Ah Kong's house.


Noey has his books...


…and Meips has her rice...


… and Ah Kong has the joy of having his grandkids around.


We even managed to catch up with the kids' great-grandmother as her visit overlapped with ours.


It has been a bit cold and rainy, so we haven't achieved as much I would have liked, but all things considered, we're doing well. Guess it helps that we've already had our holiday so for Sydney, instead of a manic schedule, I've been happy to take it easy. And I'm extremely grateful for everything everyone has been doing to accommodate me and the kids and help us in every way. We've been very blessed.

 I guess we all miss home and we all really miss Papa, but I'd like to think we're making the best of it.

I'll be updating our Sydney adventures on my Instagram account, so follow me @mummybean if you're interested to see what we're getting up to!


  1. Anonymous2/7/13 08:33

    I've gotta know, how did you manage the two kids inflight??

    1. Hah, I plan to talk about that after I survive the flight back home with the two kids! They were very good on the flight over but I don't want to speak too soon :)



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