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Monday, July 22, 2013

Little Miss Independent Tries Drypantz

Little Miss Independent. That's our Meips.

Her favourite phrase? "I do it my own self!"

(I'm constantly correcting her to get her to say "I'll do it myself" but did I mention that she's Little Miss Stubborn as well?)

At the grand ol' age of 2 years and 4 months, these are the things she often insists on doing herself:

1. Putting On and Taking Off Her Own Shoes


(Not always correctly, of course, but you try telling her that!)

2. Feeding Herself


3. Putting On and Taking Off Her Own Clothes


And oh, the tears when we insist on helping her!

4. Taking Off on Her Sccoter 


5. Going to Potty


As I previously mentioned, we've been potty training Meips and despite our process being somewhat derailed by all the travelling and being constantly in diapers, I'm glad to say that she's mostly potty-trained in the day. I have yet to let her go diaper-less on trips out of the house though, except on really short trips. It's still too risky for that! Instead, I've started to use my new discovery: Drypers Drypantz.

Yes, I know Drypers Drypantz have been around for a while, but I must confess that until recently, I have never used pull-ups on my kids. Mainly because I'm cheap and pull-ups cost more than regular diapers. Why pay more when I can use regular diapers -- and use my already well-honed skill of changing diapers with the child standing up?

Then I had a child who loves to take off her own diapers AND insists on putting them back on herself. Difficult, much? You bet.

We recently had the opportunity to try Drypers Drypantz, I thought, why not? And I must say, it's been a good addition to our diaper collection.

The main feature which makes pull-up pants different from regular diapers is, of course, the flexible waistband that makes it easy to pull them off and on like normal underwear. Drypers Drypantz's Flexi-Fit ensures a comfortable yet secure fit which is great for my active little bub. Meips was especially pleased with the change. "My big-girl panty diapers!" she calls them, proudly.  Ironically I like them better than regular diapers because it is more difficult for her to pull her diapers off randomly, which she likes to do sometimes! But she can also learn to pull them down and pull them up herself. Good training for when she eventually makes the switch to underwear, me thinks.


These are the diapers I use when I need to bring Meips out on outings, when she will occasionally pay a visit to the toilet. She'd ask to go, especially when Noey needs to use the toilet, and insist on needing to pee as well. When the toilet isn't too grubby, I let her try, and the pull-ups are definitely easier for me to manage. And less frustrating when the trip to the toilet yields no results, which happens more often than I'd like! She's worn them for 4-5 hours with no problems. Considering she has fairly sensitive skin, I guess the Drypers Draypantz did it's job, keeping her dry. I wouldn't use these diapers overnight since I think that might be more wetness than it is designed to take, but for day use, they've been great.

And the best part: they are really competitively priced. In fact, they cost less than some of her regular diapers!

I must say though, that I still think pull-ups are not the best option when potty training because they keep the child too dry and comfortable to bother to learn to go to the toilet. But they are helpful during those occasions when you want to prevent messes yet have the flexibility of bringing your child to potty without too much of a hassle. Saving time on diapering leaves me - and Meips - with more time for the things that matter. Like spending time with the ones we love.


Do visit the Drypers Facebook Page to get more updates and parenting tips. You can also request for a free sample here to try out Drypers Drypantz, or any other diapers in their range for yourself.

 * Meips was given 4 packs of Drypers Drypantz by Drypers to keep her bottom comfy and dry, as well as to have fun pulling up and down, yes, all by her own self. All opinions, however, are ours, developed after extensive wearing.



  1. This is probably not the point of your post but... She is SOOOOO cute!



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