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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Getting Mobile

It's been a week of exciting developments for Noah.

As mentioned in the previous post, we realised last weekend that he could sit up on his own. He's been doing that quite a bit this week, getting progressively steadier. And at the same time he's started scooching all over. That's what I call it anyway. Not really crawling, but more hauling himself around all over in a version of the combat crawl, except that he uses his arms to pull himself and drags his legs along. It's quite fun to watch.

And since he's on the verge of being mobile, we thought it would be good to get him a bigger surface to practice his crawling on. His Godparents stepped in and now Noah is the happy owner of a new (and big) bumper playmat. And we have lost even more floor space to the little guy.

Gunning for the his caterpillar

Why am I lying here? Pick me up Mummy!
Thankfully Mich (who chose the mat) is also not fond of the blinding colours that they use on some of these playmats and got us a rather acceptably colourful and non-loud mat. Can't say that about the reverse side though...

Sitting! He was watching TV at this point. Bad Mummy.

Hmmm, ball? Or book? Or TV?

Unfortunately with the developmental spurt, his sleeping has really gone down the tubes. At least, I hope it's a developmental spurt, cos that means it'll all even out eventually, right? In the past few nights, he has woken up every 1.5 to 2 hours and has to drink to be pacified. And because he's been erratic with his feeds during the day, going on frequent milk strikes, I'm loathe to just not feed him since I think he's actually hungry. SIGH. Please be over soon!

On the positive side, he's really much happier to see me these days, bestowing me with smiles and excited kicks when I appear before him. Perhaps since I'm not around 24/7 he's learnt not to take me for granted? But it is gratifying, especially with the killer nights he's been giving me!


  1. Wow Noah's really advanced for his age! And very strong too! It's like this pat on your back for letting you know that your sacrifices in keeping to the BF are all worth the while! Great job Mommy!

    Btw, Bean's got the same snake and playmat too. Lol!

  2. THAT'S FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's sitting up already!! You must have calcium-fortified breastmilk or something! haha :)

  3. Anonymous15/3/09 11:10

    You know, I had the same problem getting K to sleep around the same time she managed to sit up and crawl. It's always nursing her to sleep that of course leads to night feeds (very difficult to wean off). However, the problem soon went off gradually once I started her on semi-solids and she started to eat more. Maybe Noah is ready for semi-solids now?

  4. Michelle :: AS long as he is healthy and growing well, I'm happy :) Re the playmat and snake/worm/caterpillar (what is it anyway??), great! Then Bean will be right at home on Sat!

    Kopikia :: Calcium fortified milk! Haha. Maybe that's why his fingernails keep growing so fast? I can barely cut them fast enough. He's leeching it all from me I think!

    MG :: Yes, I'm stuck with the night feeds now. Sheesh. I tried giving him a little rice cereal over the weekend -- not sure how much he actually managed to eat! I really hope it'll help once solids are established.

  5. kate has the same yellow bear playmat too! The abc on the other side is not so nice I find. And funny words chosen. :P

    They can all flip around together. Kate loves sitting. Then when she tips over she combines it with a flip haha. But she can't drag herself nowhere. Unless I use my hands as a stopper for her kicking feet.

  6. Anonymous16/3/09 12:17

    Soon they will all sit around playing together, then before you know it, they'll all be running around!! These bubs are growing up waaaay too fast!!

    Elliot is still at the 'sit up 5 secs then falls flat on his face' stage!

  7. Ah, soon there'll be no rest for Mummy as he keeps crawling off the mat in search for more! In my case so she can have a lick of the carpet...very nice mat and looks better than the ones here definitely. Must let me know where I can go check it out when I'm here next week. Won't be long now...see you and Noah soon!

  8. errr babe ah, it is loud! lovely though and I'm sure Noah loves it :)
    Cant believe I've not seen him for a week and Godma's already 'missing out' on the sitting up!

  9. Whoa...Noah is very fast! Can share what you eat/drink such that your milk is so...er..."power"? :)



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