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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Honey Butter Popcorn

Here's a fun little recipe that I've penned only because it was part of my son's homework.

Noey's kindy class is doing a project on food for their class project this term and I think it's been a lot of fun. All their learning has been centred on the theme and I think the Noey is really enjoying it. When his class made a field trip to HealthZone at the Health Promotion Board earlier in the term to learn about the food we eat and what makes a healthy diet, Noey came home spewing information about foods that had a lot of fat, and foods which didn't. That really tickled us for quite a while! He and his classmates have also been cooking up a storm in school every other week or so. In cooking sessions conducted alternately in English and Chinese, they have made dumplings, muffins, spring onion pancake and pizza so far, with two more sessions to go. I volunteered to "teach" the kids how to make muffins and it was really so cute seeing how enthusiastic they all were! 

Another part of this project extends to compiling a class cookbook of their favourite recipes, and after some discussion, Noey and I eventually agreed that we were going to share our own recipe on Honey Butter Popcorn. We've been enjoying popcorn quite a bit around these parts, since we first made our own, and I thought it might be an interesting addition to the collection.

To make sure I wasn't the only one doing all the work, I worked on the recipe with him and we typed out the recipe together, leaving blanks for him to fill in. It wasn't the nicest piece of work, but at least it was mostly his!


Sine we've already written out this recipe, I thought I'd share it here too, to get more mileage out of it. If you, like me, can't decide between sweet and salty popcorn and would like a bit of both, this might be for you. I like to make a batch for tea time and watch it disappear! This makes a big bowl. Do note that I make this for my kids so the amount of honey and butter isn't a lot, and is intended to coat the popcorn thinly. If you like it sweeter and love to drench your popcorn, feel free to increase the amount of the honey butter mixture.


Honey Butter Popcorn
(Serves 4-6 as a Snack)


½ cup Popcorn
2 tablespoons Oil
2 tablespoons Honey
30g Unsalted Butter
Sea Salt to taste


1. Pre-heat the oven to 160°C.

2. In a large pot, add oil and popcorn and stir to mix.

3. Cover the pot and heat over medium heat to pop the popcorn. Once you hear the popcorn start popping, take the pot off the fire occasionally and shake to mix and ensure that the popcorn does not burn.

4. When the popcorn has stopped popping, take the pot off the heat and pour the popped popcorn into a baking tray and spread out the pieces evenly.

5. In a separate bowl, melt the butter and mix in the honey. Add salt to taste. (I stick the butter in the microwave for 20-30 seconds to melt it if it's fresh out of the fridge and too hard.)

6. Pour the honey and butter mixture over the popcorn in the baking tray and mix to ensure that the popcorn is evenly coated.

7. Put the tray of popcorn in the oven to bake for about 15 minutes for the coating to dray and harden. Serve warm and tuck in!

Cooking Notes

♥ My kids often cannot wait the extra 15 minutes for the popcorn to bake in the oven, so I usually serve it to them straight after coating the popcorn. The downside to that is that their fingers get all sticky and oily eating the popcorn, but taste-wise, I think it's just as delicious.

Snack away!


I made a batch earlier today and together with the kids, sat down to watch The Sound of Music. It certainly made for a wonderful afternoon.


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