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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Two-And-A-Half Going on Big Girl

Before I had my little girl, I didn't know what to expect. I suspect I imagined a little doll to play dress-up with and girly fun. Sugar and spice and all things nice.

My little girl has turned out to be quite a different kettle of fish. She's feisty and determined, with a stubborn streak to match her Daddy's. 

Two-and-a-half years is really an adorable age, as she comes into her own and seeks to establish her place in this world. She desperately tries to catch up with her gor-gor, and whatever he does, she must do the same. "I'm not small, I'm big!", "I'm big already!" and "I'm a big girl!" are regular refrains.

Her favourite word is -- alas -- "No". Because she knows everything, you see. So you're clearly the one who's wrong, trying teach her something new.

She has to do everything herself. Never mind that we're rushing out of the house and I need her to put on her shoes quickly. If I help her with her shoes, she'll kick them off just so that she can put them on herself again. 

She holds her own against Gor-gor, if not by physical strength, then certainly in yelling for help.

She is nimble. So agile is she that she is often mistaken for a three-year old, even though she's not particularly tall.

Girly6Superwoman Meips.

On the other hand, she is compassionate and loving. She is always the first to run into Daddy's arms with an excited shriek every day when he steps in the door. And when Noey cries when they're fighting over something, more than once, I've seen her relinquish what she had or offer to share it with him. I've been surprised and very touched by her maturity in this respect and am always so proud of her when she does that. 

She's also our little clown who just loves making people laugh. The kids have recently become obsessed with The Sound of Music and want to listen to the soundtrack all the time. For a while Meips couldn't get the words right and inspired, she decided that the line in Do-Re-Mi was "Soh, a bowling bowling tofu!" Of course we all cracked up, which delighted her so much that she kept repeating it. And she's still doing it. I need to teach her the concept of overkill.

Grily6Her idea of an appropriate expression when asked to smile.

She has recently developed a real love for babies, and treats them with much gentleness. With this, she's also decided to adopt a diverse group of soft toys. The only ones she could find to do her every bidding, no doubt. She's their mummy and they are her babies. 

Girly4Mummy and her babies.

Every other day, I would chance on her lining them up and teaching them something. Sometimes it is the phonic sounds she learns in her weekly playgroup, sometimes it's counting in Chinese, sometimes she's reading them a story, teaching them to pray and singing them some songs. Once I even found her teaching them to swim.

Girly1And here's how you swim...

I love that she's reached the age where she and Noey can play together and actually enjoy each other's company. Most of the time this involves them leaping from sofa to mattress in our bedroom while shouting away but, hey, I'll take it.

And you know what? I wasn't entirely wrong -- I did get my little doll to dress up after all.

Girly7The dress I wish I got for myself!

She is only two-and-a-half this month, but already she feels like she's growing too quickly for me. During those moments, I stroke her hair and kiss her oh-so-plump cheek, and remind myself that she is only but two-and-a-half. I can't keep her small, but I can enjoy her, at this age, just as she is. 

(Ok, I've also made a mental note to kiss those oh-so-plump cheeks as much as I can!)

Girly2Don't you just love them most when they're sweetly asleep?

Dear Meips, our sweet, cheeky little miss bossy-pants, we love you to bits.  


  1. She's so funny! Yes, we must cherish them, I keep telling myself during my hand-wringing moments!

  2. She's so adorable... How I miss Sophie at two. It's such a cute age. Half baby, half toddler. So full of confidence, stubbornness yet also melting with cuteness.



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