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Thursday, November 07, 2013

Titans of the Past at the Science Centre


If you have a little dino fan, you must bring him/her to the latest dinosaur exhibition to open at the Science Centre Singapore: Titans of the Past. This blockbuster of an exhibition features displays of actual dinosaur fossils in addition to animatronic dinosaurs from The Museum of the Rockies in Montana, USA as well as animatronic animals from the ice age. If you need a reason to go, I have just two words for you: REAL FOSSILS.

Needless to say, my son was completely excited to go and really enjoyed the exhibition! (My daughter didn't have too bad a time either.)

Here are some photo highlights:

Titans2Triceratops skull, with that distinctive frill and the horns.

Titans3The fascinating line of triceratops skulls, from juvenile to adult. "Baby, Toddler, Child, Teenager and Adult!" said Noey.
This is part of the work of Dr Jack Horner, the curator of palaeontology at the Museum of the Rockies, and his team, who after comparing fossil specimens, have put argued that previous classifications of dinosaur species did not account for the changes an animal would make as part of its natural development transiting from juvenile to adult.  

Titans4Informative panels about the exhibits.

Titans5A family of Pachycephalosaurus skulls.

Titans6An animatronic Hypacrosaurus. It cooed rather interestingly! There were panels nearby where the kids could press some buttons to hear what the dinosaur might have sounded.

Titans7Everyone's favourite monster -- T-Rex!

Titans8A real T-Rex skull fossil. (Isn't Noey's shirt just the most appropriate thing ever?)

Titans9"Hmm, where did I put that fossil of mine again?"

Titans14The most amazing Argentinosaurus. It was truly magnificent! I was totally awed by it's size!

Titans11"Ah hah! What have we here?" 
The fossil dig site (read: sand pit) is always a hit with the kids! 

Titans10Little palaeontologists armed with their brushes.

There was a small room of animatronic ice-age animals from Argentina's Aurea Exhibitions right at the end. Noey was excited to recognise creatures like the Hairy Mammoth and the Sabre-toothed Cat. Personally I thought it would have been better to assign more space to these animals. Cramming them into the small area at the end unfortunately made them appear less impressive than these magnificent creatures should have been.

Titans12Sabre-tooth Cat

Titans13Meips not too keen to hangout with all these scary creatures!

All in all, it was an interesting exhibition, particularly for dino fans. But even if you're not, there is a fair bit to see that would keep you interested. The exhibition area is rather dark so if you're bringing young kids, do prepare them ahead of time.

Titans of the Past will be open till 24 February 2014 at the Singapore Science Centre. Don't miss it!

*We attended the exhibition on a media invite. All opinions remain my own.

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