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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

K2: No More Fun and Games

Now that Noey is in K2, the homework has, sad to say, increased. He brings home homework twice a week from school: a couple of pages of Math exercises and a book review on Thursday which is to be completed by Monday, and Chinese writing and a Chinese comprehension exercise based on an accompanying Chinese reader on Monday, to be completed by Thursday. (And the cycle continues.)

Add to that the little bit of homework he gets from Berries and Music class and I feel like I'm barking at him everyday to do his homework. It isn't fun, not for me or him, or Meips for that matter, since I would then have to leave her to her own devices while I breathe down Noey's neck as he does his work - he's the sort who would be off his chair or playing with his Lego the minute I turn my attention away - or coaching Noey at piano. And this is only kindergarten!

I've been praying for a breakthrough and I hope I'm not speaking too soon, but recently he's started to show a bit more initiative for completing his work. This started after DD had a chat with him about "not being lousy". In other words, to not be lazy, to put in effort and to not waste the gifts he's been blessed with by God. There were tears but at least Noey took it seriously.

A few days later he came up with this schedule for himself, which I was rather tickled by:


I think he was rather hopeful about the TV part (I still restrict their screen time to a few days a week) but at least he's got his priorities straight!

DD has introduced him to studying at Macs, taking him there to complete his homework. Not surprisingly, he was very enthusiastic!


Sorry kiddo, K2 is no longer fun and games. Primary school awaits and hopefully this will help you once the real work starts.

Do you have trouble getting your kids to sit down to do their homework? What are some strategies that have worked for you?


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