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Sunday, March 09, 2014

Back To Regular Programming

It has been a very long week for all of us, with Nomi, the husband and myself battling fevers and the sickies all week.

It started with Nomi coming down with a bad throat infection the day of her birthday. Poor girl didn't have such a great start to being three. She was practically silent the whole day as her throat hurt and she didn't like the way her voice sounded. But the good thing was that her appetite was mostly unaffected. In fact she continued to snack and unhappily for me, also fed me food from her bowl. In a moment of folly, I ate, and have been down with a cough, a cold and one of the highest fevers I've had in a long while since the early part of the week.

I spent most of the week lying in bed, and in between, dragging myself around to do things like pick and send Noey to school and do marketing because the household still need to keep on running. No rest for the weary - or the sick - when you're a Mummy. 

Needless to say, most of the week has passed by in a fog.

In the midst of that, I did find some unexpected clarity:

1. I realised how much of a difference having some paracetamol made to how I felt as I was carrying a fever the whole week. I usually am of the belief that a fever has to run its course and is part of the natural defence mechanism of the body. As such, I don't usually give my kids paracetamol when they have fevers, unless they seem to be in discomfort, much to my husband's chagrin. I still believe this, but having suffered through a very long bout fever this week and feeling alive only when the paracetamol kicked in, I think I can be a bit more generous with the pain-relief to ease the kids' discomfort in future.

2. I realised I really missed hugging and kissing my kids as I self-quarantined myself from doing so this week. I consider myself to be really un-touchy-feely, but even I missed the cuddles. That's something I'm looking forward to catching up on in the week ahead.

3. It is so important to have friends who pray for you during trying times. It certainly gave me the strength to get through some of the more challenging times.

I hope to be back to regular programming in these parts in the coming week. While I'm still some distance away from being fully well, I'm just so glad we're on our way there.




  1. Glad you're feeling better, V! :)

    1. Thanks Pam! Still coughing away but just so glad to be rid of the fever!



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