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Monday, July 07, 2014

OMy, it's Ice Cream for Petite Travellers!

Remember petite travellers?

Well, at the end of last week we received some great news: petite travellers has been shortlisted as one of 10 finalists for Best New Blog at the Singapore Blog Awards 2014!

The team felt we had to celebrate, but how were 9 busy mums with different schedules and many commitments (and kids) going to celebrate together at short notice? With a virtual party, of course. It was ice-creams all round for all of us.


Our sweet treat was made all the more awesome when others started joining in our #icecreamforpetitetravellers party too! (You can check out all the yummy cones with the hashtag on instagram!)

petite travellers was born out of a desire to provide a repository of useful travel suggestions, itineraries, tips and other recommendations for parents, just like ourselves, who enjoy exploring the world with our kids, and this recognition has been an added bonus. Having been a SAHM for the past 2.5 years (!!!), it's been a while since I've worked with a team, and I'm enjoying it. I guess that's also because the 9 of us are friends first, then collaborators.

A special thank you too, to all of you for have liked the petite travellers Facebook Page, shared, commented on or liked our posts, followed us on instagram, expressed an interest to contribute to our site, and of course, joined our #icecreamforpetitetravellers party! It means a lot that you are excited about what we are doing. If you would like to support petite travellers for the Singapore Blog Awards, do hop over here to cast your vote for us in the Best New Blog category: http://sgblogawards.omy.sg/2014/vote/editors-judges-choice.html. You can vote once a day and voting accounts for 30% of the total score.

But more than voting, I would love it if you read our blog and help us grow petite travellers into a truly useful resource with your suggestions and comments. I know we would love to hear from you. We've only just begun -- do come join us for the ride.

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