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Friday, September 05, 2014

Teachers' Day 2014

I was in the process of preparing cards for the kids for Teacher's Day when Mei came by to see what I was doing. Looking over my shoulder, she pointed at the words on the card. To my enormous surprise, she read, "THANK YOU".

Her being able to read those words was one of those instances of the many things I have to thank her teachers for teaching her over this past year. Both children have been very blessed this year with good teachers who have helped nurture them, and who have seen them grow and mature in different ways. They have really enjoyed this term, which had a Lego theme that they could both relate to very well! We attended Noey's project day and saw the video that Mei came back with showing her learning activities over this term and were just bowled over by all that they had done with their teachers these past few months.

So when it came to their Teachers' Day gifts this year, I thought it was only apt that we gave them… Lego! We gave their principal this Lego calendar and customised a few minifies to go along with it. I also "dressed" the Lego kids in their kindy PE kit, which I thought she might appreciate.


The teachers got photo frames, and I slotted in a card from the kids into each of them. Noey helped me with some of the Lego building as the effort part of his gift while Mei just kept running away with my minifigs! But we got everything together in the end.


The parents were tasked to put together food and activities for the teachers for individual class celebrations in school. I think we did well with the food -- there was a veritable feast, especially for Noey's class! Some classes also put up song items which were very cute. But after all the eating, when parents were scratching their heads over what to do with all the children, it was still up to the teachers who organised games on the spot and kept the children happy and entertained. 


It takes someone with a certain gift and heart for children to be a teacher. Thank you to all the wonderful teachers out there -- thank you for loving our children. 

Happy Teachers' Day!

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