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Monday, November 03, 2014

Celebrating 9 Years at SKIRT

October is a month of celebrations for us, as aside from Noey's birthday, we also celebrate our wedding anniversary.

It is 9 years this year for us, and it feels like time has just sped us by. The husband was in fact totally taken by surprise. "I thought it was our 8th anniversary!" he said when I greeted him in the morning. Well, it's been 9 years mister! I merrily informed him that I fully intended to collect on a holiday sans kids next year for the 10TH! Hee.

Well, this year, we kept it simple and just went out for a dinner date. When DD asked where I would like to go for dinner, I actually suggested going for a casual crab dinner at Crab in Da Bag until my husband reminded me that this is one of the very few occasions when I would be able to get a nice expensive dinner out of him. The man is right of course, so we decided on dinner at SKIRT (yes, all in CAPS, yo). The fact that they only welcome kids above 8 years of age sealed the deal. It's been on my list for a while and we didn't get a chance to dine at the restaurant during our last staycation at W so it seemed like a good opportunity to visit.

W Skirt 1We were quite fascinated by the huge hunks of beef hanging in the drying cases up front.

Since we were there for a treat, we decided to go all out and order ourselves a meat fest. But first some appetisers to start. Our server thoughtfully asked us if we wanted to share the dishes and brought us little plates for eating off which I thought was rather nice. DD ordered the Crab Cakes with Cucumber and Spiced Foam. This was yummy and one of the better crab cakes I've had. The spiced foam that came with the crab cake had an interesting flavour and DD commented that the combination with the crab cake reminded him of chilli crab. The portion was so small though! Just one little crab CAKE (no plural). It was gone in a few bites. 

W Skirt 8Complimentary freshly baked bread. Quite delicious, especially with the dips. I liked the hummus but the husband totally went for the chorizo lard, naturally!

W Skirt 3Crab cakes, or really just crab cake.

I ordered the Yellowfin Tuna Tartar with Avocado and Wasabi. I realise I have a habit of ordering Tuna Tartar when it's on the menu, like during our anniversary two years ago! (While we're at it, DD also ordered crab cakes for our anniversary last year. What can I say, we are creatures of habit!) Raw tuna with avocado is a winning combination - you just can't go wrong with that. We were a bit puzzled by the wafer (?) pieces that came with it. DD wryly commented that they were like 'lao hong' crackers. That aside, I really enjoyed this dish.

W Skirt 2Tuna Tartar with Avocado and Wasabi.

Before the mains were served, we were given a palate cleanser of apple bourbon and some BBQ sauce which arrived at the table in two cute little bottles, looking like shampoo and conditioner!

W Skirt 4BBQ Sauce and Apple Bourbon

And then the pièce de résistance of our meal: our Tasting Plate of 5 Breeds. And the 5 different types of beef were (counting down from the least spectacular to the most):

5. Hereford Grass Fed, John Stone Longford, Republic of England
4. Black Angus Corn Fed, Creekstone Farms Arkansas City, Kansas, United States
3. Black Angus Grain Fed, Black Onyx MS3, Glen Innes, New South Wales, Australia
2. F1 Wagyu Grain Fed, Sher Wagyu 6-7, Ballan, Victoria, Australia
1. Full Blood Wagyu Grain Fed, Blackmore MS9+, Alexandra, Victoria, Australia

Was that Greek to you like it was to us?

W Skirt 5My best photo of the plate, which alas, features the #5 and #3 on the list, leaving the best meat in a blur in the top corner. #foodbloggingfail

We might not have known the difference at the start but we sure could tell the difference as we worked our way up the list. As we went along, each grade up was more meltingly tender, and, as the husband remarked, tasted less and less like beef as we (plebeians) know it. The top grade full blood almost literally melted in my mouth. It was quite an experience! I don't know how better to describe this. You'll just have to taste it for yourself!

W Skirt 7Close-up of the so-good-it-doesn't-taste-like-beef beef. This is full blood waygu. 

W Skirt 6Our sides of Spinach Goat's Cheese Gratin and Portobello Mushroom.

Even though we were completely stuffed by the end of the meal, we still made space for some lovely dessert, a chai brûlée. I thought the sugar topping was a bit thick and hard but I otherwise thoroughly enjoyed this, so much so that there are no pictures because by the time we remembered to take any, our dessert was half gone! 

All in all, we thought it was a great meal, befitting of the occasion. And the service was just excellent too. My friend MummyWee recently celebrated a friend's birthday at Skirt too and ordered the restaurant signature Skirt steak and other dishes including the Caraberino Prawns which she highly recommends. Do check out her post to find out more.

9 years and I'm grateful for this man who indulges my whims, lets me be myself, and still finds the things I say funny. 

That said, this past 9th year hasn't really come easy. I think in the past year, we slipped a little into taking each other for granted, shown our claws a bit more, gotten annoyed with each other more frequently, and held back a bit less. I'm not proud of this, but I think stems from our long-standing familiarity with each other. We would do well to recognise this and guard our hearts and minds to see that it doesn't develop into contempt. That's something to work on in the coming year -- to give a little more, complain a little less, and spend more time connecting. I guess more good meals wouldn't hurt either, eh!

9 years and I know that there is still no place I'd rather be.

W Skirt 9

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