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Friday, February 15, 2008

Photo Fiasco

So I was going to update my earlier post to say that my little F1 adventure came to a good ending - the folks at the booking hotline got back to me and I finally managed to finish my transaction. The seats weren't in the block I really wanted (which had unfortunately sold out) but the ones I got were pretty good so I thought that was the happy end to this matter.

Then there was that little fiasco of me appearing on the front page of the papers today, dressed in my company windbreaker, no less.

I got the shock of my life when a couple of friends gleefully messaged me early in the morning to let me know that they'd seen my silly face in the morning's papers. Yikes. And when I saw the pic, I was even more horrified - not only was I clearly not in the office but in queue, but I had to be caught wearing the very obvious (and rather ugly) company windbreaker. Sobs. I knew that even if my boss had not originally seen and recognised my face she was SO going to take a closer look because of that painfully obvious windbreaker. Argh!

Well, my boss definitely didn't miss the photo, much as I'd hoped it would be the case, but thankfully she was a good sport about it all and merely gently chided me for my somewhat inappropriate dress code. Luckily for me, she had remembered seeing me in the office in the morning so she knew it wasn't as if I was in line the whole day. We had a good laugh about it together with my colleagues who had no end of fun chuckling and ribbing me about my unfortunate circustances. Sigh.

And when DD finally got to see the photo, he just could not stop laughing. I guess my expression kinda made the headline. And since I'd settled down sufficiently to look at it, it is actually, a rather funny photo. I'm going to pop a copy into my file just for keeps.

But anyway, after all that trauma, the race had better be worth it! And I think I'm still adhere to not spending any money this week!


  1. Hee, if it makes you feel any better, the photo online didnt have u wearing the corporate windbreaker!

  2. Anonymous17/2/08 11:06

    caught in the act! :p heh, i missed the papers, so you have one less person looking at you in your windbreaker! :p

  3. Anonymous17/2/08 19:40

    oh! oh dear!! :( but it's okay! i missed that photo! DD must 'sayang' u more for this! A for effort!

  4. lilsnooze >> it was a different photo? i didn't manage to see it cos i don't have the st online subscription. must say i was rather relieved not to see it on the front page there too! haha.

    yuling >> yeah i know! so suay i tell you! my friends asked me to post the pic but i flatly refused. hahaha.

    imp >> yes, oh dear is right! yeah, he'd better appreciate this!

  5. Anonymous18/2/08 10:09

    so i was not worng!! it was you!!!
    i read it a few days late!

  6. Oh dear! Babe, you're hilarious! But I can imagine the anxiety you went through beforehand. I missed Friday's papers, but yeah, DD had better appreciate you LOTS for this! haha :)

  7. Anonymous18/2/08 10:58

    Haha, so funny! I didn't notice you in the papers but will go back to take a closer look ;)

  8. hahahah... i flatly refused the hb's request to watch the F1. but he did admit after that it'll be better to watch it on tv because he'll get to see the entire race. haha..

  9. LOL. at least you managed to get the F1 tix in the end.

    and tagged ya... http://sparklethots.com/blog/index.php/2008/02/17/tagged-with-love/ hee.

  10. jemej >> sometimes i feel like things like this only happen to me! sigh. i've gotten over it but my colleagues are still having fun taking a dig at me about it...

    olimomok >> nooo, i'm trying to keep it as buried as possible. was so glad when fri was over. haha.

    lingz >> when i went with my husb to watch the race in sepang, they also showed the race on big screens around the track. but i missed the commentary! it's only since it's the first time, i thought it might be fun :)

    ruth >> "of F1 fame"?? sigh!

  11. Anonymous22/2/08 07:14

    Heehee.. I missed out on many days' of newspapers but the first copy I got hold of was the one with you on the front page!!! Hhaha... your expression tells a million of your feelings.



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