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Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I've definitely putting on weight. But somehow I think it's less the little being within me per se, but really more to do with the SNACKS. Behold the following:

This was what I grabbed in a fit of desperation in the supermarket when I realised that I needed food in the office to sustain me through the day. For the past couple of weeks I've been finding that I've been getting hungry really often even though I don't have much of an appetite. And while I usually rely on my main meals and nothing in between, I found that when I do eat something, my headache and feelings of nausea subside. So I was trooping downstairs at 11am (it's like clockwork, this stomach of mine) to buy a curry puff from old chang kee, or teck kee pao or erm, a hash brown from macs.

The diet wasn't helping the weight. Yeah, not (even) with the walks I was taking out to get food! Not to mention the unhealthiness of it all was making me feel rather guilty.

But admittedly my selection is hardly the healthiest. And I have to admit that the yan yan went first. Followed by the twisties. And for someone who underordinary circumestances hardly snacks at all, I've pretty much decimated everything. Yikes.

Someehow I very much doubt I'll be one of those slim and trim mummies to be!


  1. Anonymous31/3/08 23:47

    I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND! my belly's getting bigger prematurely, no thanks to the endless eating. nausea sucks, and eating helps so much!

    anyway, i'm stocking up on some healthier alternatives that seem to be working for me - bananas, digestive biscuits, yogurt, bread (preferably wholemeal, but erm, i'm loving matcha bread now), different flavours of milk and soya milk (because fresh milk can get soooo 'pukish'!)

    i'm saying bye bye to being a yummy mummy-to-be. eating yummies now come first!

  2. Anonymous1/4/08 05:06

    Eat! Eat! Eat! It's the only time you can binge and no one will dare say a word.

  3. is it true that you would crave food you usually don't like when you're preggers?

  4. yuling >> haha, i knew you'd understand! i'm also trying to move to healthier options, like cereal. but when it comes to drinks, i can't drink plain water - it must have some taste! taking way too many sweet drinks...

    muffin girl >> yes, everyone nods understandingly when i say it staves off nausea, which is great :)

    jemej >> i haven't had any strong cravings, but you know what? i've become much more partial to fast food (which is unheard of), much to DD's delight. i actually asked him if he wanted KFC for dinner in the early weeks! haha. he was all too glad to oblige.

  5. Just eat. It's for the growing baby. U will still be a yummymummy :)

    I hope you have milo to go with those cornflakes/crackers. I rem having alot of this combi during the intial stage!

  6. yeah yeah yeah! just eat man.. the babe needs it! if you're worried, just get those dried fruit/nut combination things. I rem chomping down a lot of ovaltine biscuits too! :) not too great for my thighs, but what the hey. You'll burn off most of it after the little one is born :)

  7. Anonymous12/4/08 11:21

    hoho... i was warned sternly by my gynae to ease off snacks and carbs. He said I was putting on too much weight too soon.

    So there went my privilege of eating whatever I craved. My one excuse for binging has been taken away from me :(

  8. Anonymous2/5/08 21:14

    congrats! wow, i had no idea you were expecting till i saw it on ruth's blog!

    i'm due in a few weeks, so our babies will be the same age =) how neat!

    - denise (maleana)



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