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Sunday, March 23, 2008

A New Beginning

I've been beyond tardy with the updates. Not that you folks who still follow my blog would be surprised since it seems to have become somewhat of a trend these days. Oops.

I'm kinda sorry about that cos actually, recently, I've had a lot to say, but not a lot of time to say it in. Part of the reason for that has been work that has been occupying more of my time, as always. Then there's all the online TV I've been watching (Project Runway Season 4!) But mostly it's cos I've been dropping off to sleep REAAALLY EARLY (by my 12am/1am daily standards). And the reason for that is:

Yes, I'm apparently pregnant. (It's been, what, 10 weeks? And I've only not too long ago FINALLY managed to drop the "apparently" in the sentence, something that used to give DD a lot of amusement as he played along and asked me about our hypothetical baby)

It was all a bit unreal to me at first, especially since I'd just tested cos my period was a little late, but I was wondering if I had miscounted, especially since it had been a bit erratic the previous 2 months. And for most of the week of the testing (at 5 weeks) I was feeling fine, or "THE SAME" as I repeatedly emphasised to DD. Well, I was to take that back the very next week as I started to feel bloated and queasy.

And still, it was when we saw the wee little heartbeat on the screen and heard the thumpity-thump at the doctor's (at 6 weeks) that it started to sink in. Nothing much to see though, just a speck in the sac. And then recently (or not really, not that recently since I took so long to post this up) we got to actually see it - the little bean, or as the Dr called it, the peanut.

So yes, it's really happening. It's quite a road ahead of us still, but I believe God will see us through. More next time!



    I was just wondering about your lack of posts!!!

  2. Anonymous24/3/08 10:38


  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! after long time lack of new post..u bring us good news...very good news!! hope u rest well..take care urself and cheersss of the Ongs!!! =p

  4. Anonymous24/3/08 11:47

    heh, i replied to your comment on my blog, but i must say it again here - CONGRATS!!!

    work's important, but do take time to rest up yah. i'm two weeks behind you - our babies can make friends, hehe! :)

  5. Woot! Woot!

    Happy news!! hahah... CONGRATS to you and DD!


  6. Anonymous24/3/08 14:12

    Oh yay! Congrats to you both :)

  7. Anonymous24/3/08 15:14

    CONGRATS!! Great news it is.. do take care of lil bean and yourself! :D

  8. OH MY!!! GREAT NEWS!!!! congratulations...... another baby to add to the group.

    you see, i was right to say that by the time i get married, most of you would be having babies already.

  9. Anonymous24/3/08 17:19

    oh wow! congratulations to you and your family babe! :)))

  10. i was getting all your comments notifications and thought you might have some time to update now. so here i am, and what a pleasant surprise!!

    congratulations!!! very happy for the both of you! do take care and slow down your pace at work if possible, ya? :)


    Take good care, and go slow with the pace at work ya? We can do lunch one of these days. :)

  12. thanks everyone :) i wanted to 'fess up earlier around 3 weeks back but just couldn't get round to it. thanks for sharing the excitement.

    lilsnooze >> yes, it was a longer than usual blog silence, even for me.

    yuling >> really glad to have you for company on this journey :) looking forward to future playdates too.

    michelle >> that's cos you're YOUNG lah. never too late to join the club though!

    candice >> yesh, have not been keeping up with my reading either. so i was doing it today since i had a little bit of time. just told my boss and she was quite nice about it so i hope i can ease up on the work somewhat!

    jemej >> *hugs back* lunch would be great! maybe later in the week or next week? btw, i remember you said you were waiting for me re this kids thing, so...? :D

  13. Anonymous24/3/08 23:55

    OHHHHHH I'm so late in putting in my congrats! Big hugs!! =) May you both be blessed with a healthy baby. This is an exciting and blessed journey!

  14. Anonymous25/3/08 11:31

    oh my! oh wow! Congrats to you and your hubs and welcome to the club of 2+1.

  15. Anonymous26/3/08 08:57

    Congratulations beanbean :)

  16. Anonymous26/3/08 11:01

    ooh! congratulations!

  17. corsage >> not late at all! thanks for the hugs!

    muffin girl >> joining you guys and leaving the dinks! hope i'm ready for it. (your new nick is v cute btw)

    nanie >> thank you - looking forward with you to the new additions to our families :)

    imp >> thanks!

  18. Anonymous27/3/08 11:47

    kong xi kong xi!!!!

    kong xi to both DD and you and everyone at home!

  19. Anonymous29/3/08 04:55

    Hmm... Has the waters here been very good... Baby boom season seems to be here this 2 years... I have been seeing babies making their arrival lately...


  20. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm so late.. hee. i was so caught up in work that i realised I haven't been popping by your blog.. then when i do, THIS! :) hee. So happy for you girl!!

  21. hey i just popped in too! sorry for the late congratulations but CONGRATULATIONS!!

  22. haha how apt that the lil dude/ dudette is described as a little bean! :)



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