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Thursday, July 10, 2008

3 Weddings

I thought I was done with weddings for a while after the bumper crop over the last 2 year, but suddenly over the late June and into early July, I ended up attending 3 weddings in 3 weeks!

Wedding #1 - Jess & SY's - on 21 June was an involved affair, since both the bride and the groom were individually friends of ours before they became a couple. And in case you are wondering, NO, we didn't set them up -- another mutual friend of theirs did the honours and shall live with their eternal gratitude. I, on the other hand, will have to live with my dear husband smugly reminding me that he had on previously suggested the match but I had rejected the idea. Well, all I can say is thank goodness they have other friends who are more perceptive than I am!

The wedding was a whole day affair with us being on either side of the fence (literally) for the morning session, helping out here and there during the tea ceremony, and being the emcees for the dinner. This was the first time I've ever emceed together with DD, not to mention the first time I'd ever emceed for a wedding, but I think it - thankfully - went off without a hitch. I'd only agreed to do this after double (and triple confirming) that we were NOT required to speak in Mandarin, so at least we didn't have to contend with that. Now I just have to avoid watching the video so I can remain oblivious to the errors that have been recorded for posterity...

The happy couple

With our lovely bride at the church reception

Trying to pop the champagne...

...while we, the emcees, look on in interest

Wedding #2 - Shuenn Yann & Wei Ming's - on 28 June the following weekend didn't require as much from us since we were merely guests, but it was equally rewarding seeing yet another old friend - one I've known from childhood - get hitched.

It was also great returning to my old church and meeting all the familiar faces. The same yet older. I ended up hanging around till quite late to catch up with everyone - old friends, aunties, uncles, all asking me how I was doing, and me answering questions on the little bub in the making who was hanging out and plain for all the see! And of course, caught up with Lilsnooze and the very cute lil Nat, whom I realise I haven't seen in person since his first few days in the hospital. Mummy and baby were both colour coordinated btw, and looking very good!

Wedding #3 of dear Olimomok and Foops on 6 July (060708!) made it 3 weddings in 3 weeks for me. I guess it's a good thing I love wedding dinner food!

The dinner celebration itself was lovely - a radiant bride with a happy groom is what a wedding should be! And the touching surprise video from the groom which brought tears to the eyes of our bride was really sweet.

The company was great too and at the end of the night, even DD told me he enjoyed himself, which was something of an accomplishment since I generally have to drag his ass persuade him to attend gatherings/weddings with me. I think it helped that most of the babes brought their partners he didn't feel out-numbered, but instead had others to talk nonsense with.

And, yes, others to share his discomfiture of having a whole bunch of girls know a lot more about him than he knew about them! Haha. "What did you write??", he kept asking me, since he's been too busy to read recently. Oops!

But even with us keeping up with each other online, there was still plenty to talk about! And of course, photos to take - we were the bloggers table after all! Everyone whipped out their cameras and the guys very obligingly made themselves handy, even if some were bemoaning their photo taking skills *wink*. We were so prepared we were in position and ready to take our own shots even before the couple arrived at our table! And the pics continued thereafter as well.

The gals at our table, Table 2

With the lovely bride, who was stunning in red!

So. We've got a break from the weddings this weekend before we have another one - a wedding lunch of one of DD's ex-colleagues (yes, another wedding, can you believe it?) - next week. Ironically this weekend I'm going with Daph to her bridal salon to figure out her dress so the wedding theme continues! Haha. Now to try to squeeze in some baby shopping in the midst of the birthday party-home repairs-baby shopping and the like we've got this weekend...


  1. And there I was wondering why you listed "Bridal Veil" on your calendar! Hah!

  2. You too! I've been invited to EIGHT weddings this year =P Just went for one this morning, and will also be Emceeing a wedding in 2 weeks' time :) Looks like it is wedding season for us!

  3. lilsnooze >> oh yah, heh. i keep my schedule here to help me keep track of it! i forgot to get onof those pocket diaries this year and can't be bothered to get one now that it's june...

    corsage >> wow, 8! that's like me in 2006 when i had 1 every 2 weeks from sept to dec... then again i actually had 2 invites for 21 Jun and 6 Jul so it would have been 5 for me really! you're an experienced emcee i'm sure!

  4. this year looks pretty quiet for me in terms of weddings to attend. i do kinda miss it!

    a pity i had to miss debra's wedding and seeing you girls. :\

  5. hahaha.. i just introduced the hb to your blog.. cos he graced the page!!! :p

  6. candice >> yeah, we missed you too! next time we meet will prob be after pf pops!

    lingz >> haha, it was one of those random phots DD took - i thought it was quite appropriate!



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