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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Little Miss Eryn

Little Miss Eryn has arrived! And being the excited aunties (oh dear!) that we are, we popped down to visit the new little one and the happy new mummy.

WH was in good spirits, rather matter-of-factly walking us through the entire process of her 7 hours of labour. Overall, I think her advice could be condensed into 2 points: 1) With epidural, everything is good, and 2) Since you're on epidural, if you feel any pain, dial up the dosage. Her doctor's advice in this respect made a lot of sense: If you came in to have a pain-free birth, then go ahead and have a pain-free brith and not suffer unnecessarily! Haha.

Looking at sweetly sleeping Eryn, I realise it won't be much longer before it's my turn! And in case you're wondering, I'm not 100% decided, but I think I'm leaning the epidural way - this baby will have to come out somehow in any case! It's all scary cum exciting but at least I know that God will see me through. And as DD likes to proclaim, "We're going to be a family!". Till then, it was (and is!) good fun, celebrating with friends in the creation of theirs.


  1. more babies! If you decide on epidural then just go for it - no guilt! I recognise G (right of peekture) :)

  2. don't worry, no matter what we hope to see Little Being soon! hahah =p

  3. congrats to wh!

    I'm sure you know what's best for yourself.

  4. corsage >> nah, don't intend to feel any guilt! haha. maybe more curious about the level of pain, etc. but i don't want to end up deciding too late that i couldn't cope! and yes, that's her!

    elaine >> not too soon i hope! :P

    lilsnooze >> yeah, figured you'll recognise her :)



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