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Thursday, August 28, 2008

32 weeks

And going on 34 weeks by the time I get this post out, I think!

Little Being is growing well - a little too well at our last check up. At 32 weeks Dr had indicated that a medium sized baby would be about 1.8kg. Little Being's estimated weight was 2-2.1kg. Oops. All thanks to my recent addiction to Magnums, no doubt!

I guess the thing about being so big anyway is that you think (or rather, I think) that you might as well indulge in all the lovely stuff you wouldn't otherwise succumb to as often. Like ice cream.

This is me on a typical evening, looking all scruffy and holding my Magnum mini. (Yes, I downgraded to minis from the full-sized almond chocolate ones due to the guilt, but I definitely still went on eating!) Unfortunately I'm now to cut back on the unrestrained ice-cream eating so that Little Being won't grow too big and be difficult to push out. I am a little concerned about that given that his dear Daddy was over 4kg at birth! (I myself was almost 3.5kg I think.)

Little Being's been getting pretty heavy recently, and has been fighting with me for turf within my belly. His movements are now much more vigourous and occasionally cause some real pain, especially when he decides to push up and into my ribs, or just suddenly stretch out left and right, pulling the belly into an odd flatter shape. I get hours of entertainment just watching my belly - it really is a show down there! And I've been complaining to him that it's MY space in there that he's infringing on so really, spare me some consideration!

Anyway, it's back to the Dr for my next check-up this Friday. Let's see if the (reluctant) reduction in the Magnums has helped somewhat!


  1. Anonymous28/8/08 02:06

    oh yay again! updates on my nephew!

    so, is the date still around the one you told me about, in another 2 more months? they haven't decided to push it forward i hope?

  2. Anonymous28/8/08 02:08

    ps: i forgot, but did anyone tell you that D came out late? LB might take after his father... oh my... my brother is now a father! gosh...

  3. Soon Little Being will be out and you might just miss this pregnancy stage...

    It's fun to watch the movements huh! :)

  4. i think this is the stage when you start to feel really warm (and hot, even at night!)... thank goodness for the recent spate of cool weather!

  5. nat >> yup, it's still 10/10 -- they don't shift it anymore. he could come out early (or late) though since it's just an estimate! yes, he's going to be a daddy! haha. mum said D was 10 days late before she had to be induced. this lateness seems to be a trait he's carried over to adulthood! sigh.

    lilsnooze >> i'm sure i will miss it once he's out! already the memory of being only slighly pregnant has faded and it feels like i've been heavy for a long time.

    pei fen >> oh yes, have been feeling warm for quite a while! even on these cool nights i sometimes ask for air-con. haha.

  6. oooh. magnums are awesome!!!! hey, here's to a smooth delivery for you!

  7. Apparently boys pack a harder punch / kick than girls. My girl kicked me real hard only once throughout my 9 mths. It made me gasp in pain so I was thankful I never felt that pain again. Other mummies with boys have reported more frequent hard kicks. ouch!

  8. imp >> i know!! they're so yummy i can't help myself. haha. thanks for the well wishes!

    nanie >> haha, yah, my boy's movements are so rough, i think he'll be a real sam seng. sigh!



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