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Monday, November 24, 2008

Baby Goes Wedding

Against all good advice, we brought Noah for his first wedding yesterday night -- solemnisation and dinner.

We got back in one piece, with all our belongings (one hopes! I've yet to do a proper check to be honest), an exhausted baby and 2 worn out parents.

My poor little tired baby

Noah with Mummy in her bridesmaid finery

Credit to DD for taking care of the rocking, feeding and cuddling duties while I ran around completing my bridesmaid duties, delivering a speech, and moving all our many bags - and the stroller - around. I hate to say this but yes, my mother was right -- it was doubly difficult bringing Noah along when one of us was actively involved in the proceedings. He isn't a difficult baby, but he just can't fall asleep or stay asleep for long when we're outdoors with hustle and bustle about him. So the poor thing was overtired before the evening was over.

But hey, it was his Godma Auntie Daphne's wedding and none of the 3 of us would have missed it for the world. And it was a lovely wedding. Without slideshows and other gimmicks, the evening was ruled by surprise song items and heartfelt speeches. Alas since I was busy running around and DD more than had his hands full, we didn't manage to take any photos of the events and will have to wait for the official snaps.

Today poor Noey's obviously still recovering -- he's more manja than usual and has just been completely knocked out for most of the day while his guilty mummy committed to provided him a quiet and soothing environment at home (and didn't even turn on the TV!). Hope he will be himself soon.


  1. Wow, you did it! Rest well, you three!

  2. He has such doe-like, winsome eyes! Even when he's tired!

  3. wah! you brave! he looks grouchy! hehehehe. i'm sure he'll be fine after a good sleep.

  4. yuling:: yup, foolhardy we are. probably not again for a while!

    corsage:: haha, must admit i like his eyes, even when they are looking tired :)

    imp:: i not brave -- foolhardy! haha. he took mon and tues to recover!



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