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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Things Are Getting Better...

Today makes 8 weeks since our little baby first arrived in our lives, and I think I'm slowly getting my groove back.

The first 4 weeks were tough, not so much because of Noah -- indeed, he was the bright spot in my life -- but from the disruption to our routine due to there being too many people in our little home: the confinement nanny. parents. the helper. All of whom needed managing. DD and I certainly missed our quiet home as we remembered it.

When the confinement nanny left and I found myself having to manage on my own, things definitely got more tiring, in particular since I was the principal one caring for Noah both day and night. Fortunately he was a good baby and quickly seemed to learn the difference between day and night, only waking to feed once or twice before 7am and popping back to sleep straight after. I also discovered more absorbent diapers and the art of changing his diaper late enough that I wouldn't have to do it, groggy-eyed, in the middle of the night to prevent him from wetting the bed. Too many of those "Argh! I should have changed his diaper/changed his position/put on his diaper better" moments!

And then there was also the need to train and instruct the helper. Honestly for a while I was wondering if it was more work getting help than doing without!

But after all the effort, things are starting to get better. Our home is looking a little more organised, food gets prepared with less supervision, and I get a bit more time with my baby. I've also made it a point to try make some appointments to visit other mums and babes, with Noah in tow, for some adult conversation. Admittedly we end up talking about our babies quite a bit though!

And on top of it all, I've learnt to type with one hand while Noah sleeps in the other arm, satiated by a long feed!

I love it when, after drinking his fill, he pulls with eyes closed from the breast with eyes closed, looking absolutely drunk on milk, and pops off to sleep. Haven't managed to get a good shot of that. Instead, here he is, propped up in my arm snoozing.

Things are certainly getting better when I can blog :)


  1. he looks absolutely adorable. hee.

  2. Things will get better and more exciting. More milestones mummy!

  3. You are already doing very well, bringing Noah out to many places! I wasn't that adventurous then.

  4. yep I learnt to type with one hand while he's feeding off me too. Such talented moms. Lol

  5. lingz:: haha, he's just knocked out!

    lilsnooze:: looking forward to them :)

    muffin girl:: i can't stay cooped up at home too much -- need the company. so poor baby has to go with me.

    michelle:: heh, multi-tasking is the key to survival!



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