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Monday, November 03, 2008

Just like Mum and Dad

It's been slightly more than 24 hours after my confinement nanny took her leave and I'm exhausted. Partly from having to manage Noah at night all by myself, partly as a result of the hectic schedule of delivering Noah's 1-month cakes to my office and DD's office in the afternoon with baby in tow.

Then again, as I looked at my Mum and Dad who took the time to drive me around to make the deliveries and help me with Noah, I was struck by how parenthood is a lifelong commitment. Like my parents are always there for me, I know I will always be there for my baby. We've only just begun.


  1. so true, so true... and the scariest thing is, we only have one chance to make it right!! eeeeeeeekssssss!

  2. Parental love indeed! And I think lots of commitment too.

    Ooo does this mean you can start eating all the fun stuff? :)

  3. This is such a touching post. sob.

  4. Congrats on surviving the first month, both baby and you!

  5. awwwhh..so sweet

    hmmm..i have just noticed that DD has slim down quite a bit as comparing between the lastest photos to the photo taken at the TMC... :D

  6. yeah it's true! you only TRULY appreciate what your parents have been doing for you all your life when you have a baby to fuss over! :)

    how are you holding up with the night feeds?

  7. little Noah has a really intense look in his eyes =D

  8. pei fen:: eh, don't scare me with this one chance business leh...

    corsage:: no -- that's one of the downsides of breastfeeding is that i've got to watch what i eat since it pretty much translates directly to baby. but i've certainly loosened up on my diet! :)

    nanie:: aww, it was just a thought that occurred to me. parents really deserve more credit!

    olimomok:: thank you! many more months to go...

    silver-crv:: yes! i think it was the confinement food, but more critically, the fact that he had regular meals almost everyday at 6/6.30pm that made the difference. i've always told him he has to eat earlier -- now there's proof :)

    kopikia:: the night feeds are ok -- Noah only wakes once at 3 plus then again around 6-7 so it's actually not too bad. but i would appreciate mote time for naps during the day...

    cheryl:: hi! and yeah, he does -- my intense baby. haha.



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