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Friday, December 12, 2008

Jabby Jab

I feel kind of sorry for babies in that they mark each month with vaccinations in the early years of their lives.

We brought Noah in on Wed evening for his 2 month checkup. We were really looking forward to it cos we'd been waiting to get him weighed and measured up. Since we've been hefting him around, we'd been dying to find out how heavy he is. Well, it turns out that he's heavier than we thought. At 2 months (and about 9.5 weeks) he's 6.375kg. Oof. He's already almost doubled his birth weight, something the Paed says babies do at 3 months. The good thing is that he seems to have inherited his Daddy's tall genes and measured in at 62cm so he's proportional. His short Mummy is terribly pleased about that! Other than that, everything else seemed fine and as we already know, he's got a strong neck and can hold his head really well, thanks to his fondness of being carried upright and sleeping on his tummy.

He was all docile and inquisitive, only crying a little when he started to feel insecure about the new environment, so much so that I felt really sorry for him that he was going to get poked. A little distraction and the needle went in, following which he gave 2 loud cries before the Paed scooped him up and calmed him. Poor baby. He seemed okay after that though.

Waiting to go see the Doctor. Noah was all sweet and cooperative (and drowsy) from a last minute feed.

All done! And looking none the worse for wear.

Since yesterday, he's been running a mild temperature and has not been quite himself, being a little whinier and more clingy, and sleeping a lot more than usual. But at least his appetite has not been affected. This is truly my child -- even when he's not feeling well he still can scoff down his food!

My poor little baby looking rather out of it in his seat, stoning while we had dinner

Hope he feels better soon. His system is a bit messed up from all the sleeping and I hope he can get back to his regular schedule after he recovers. A diaper change after a poop at 4am is not something I want to do on a regular basis!


  1. the mild temperature is alright..he shld be fine by within a day or two. :)

  2. definitely growing fast, this one!! you've got some real power milk there :)

  3. Hi lil (and rapidly growing) Noah! Aunty Amanda can't wait to give you a cuddle!!

  4. He's definitely growing, which is always a good sign! Well done mummy!

  5. oh my... just popped by your blog after returning from my holiday.. he's grown so much since the last I saw him!

  6. pei fen :: not so much power milk as it is that i have a pretty greedy baby!

    amanda :: cna't wait to meet you too! and lil elliot!



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