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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Snippity Snip

The thing about your baby having a lot of hair is that it gets long really quickly. The little man was getting shaggy. And since both his parents were too chicken to take up the razor to his still rather nice hair, we decided to cart him off to a salon and have them do the deed.

It was not a moment too soon I guess cos that very afternoon when we were out shopping (and before his haircut), an auntie carrying her toddler asked her daughter to say hello to "Mei Mei". Hmmm.

We opted for Junior League at Suntec and were stunned the $20 price tag. No wash or blow dry and really he doesn't have THAT much hair. But since we were not keen to do it ourselves we didn't have a choice! And in the end, I'm glad we got it done by professionals since they were really quick and Noah didn't end up with butchered hair. And he was a pretty good sport about the whole thing.

Hanging out on Mummy's shoulder in my pre-cut shaggy mop.

"So, Uncle, I was thinking maybe you could just trim my sideburns, and make it a bit shorter at the back. You know, just slope it a bit..."

"Okay Uncle, I'm sold. Make me cute!"

"Take a last good look at this hair Daddy! I'm getting a new look!"

"Hey, go easy with that razor, won't ya?"

"Eh. This isn't as fun as I thought it would be..."

"Gasp! What happened to my hair!"

"Hey guys, this really isn't fun AT ALL!"

"How about if I say please? Can you stop? Please?"

"There's more? Sigh. Fine. Make it snappy."

"Oh, we're all done? Finally!"

"I'm glad that's over. I need a nap."

That's his first haircut down! I've been told that he will shed hair around the 3rd/4th month but I'm hoping the hairfall wouldn't be too severe. In the meantime, I think he's looking very much like a boy with his new short hair!


  1. He napped right after the haircut? Gosh! That's such a good boy.

  2. the picture for 'what happened to my hair!' is so apt. :P

  3. Ahahaha he's so cute!!! And he can sit upright very steadily now!

  4. I love his new haircut!!!!!!! He's too cute lah! My hubby says so too! Heh. :D

  5. Hee.. the captions are really funny, and apt! His new haircut looks cool but Noah does look quite traumatised during the process! :P

  6. heee...so cute !!
    this pic is interesting!!
    "Hey guys, this really isn't fun AT ALL!"

  7. aww..he's so cute!! when can we see him again?

  8. too cute for words!
    and i'm so envious! between noah and amanda's elliot, the hair on both your babies can just beat the pants off k's botak head... maybe i should really try that brandy thing everyone was telling me about! hahaha! happy new year babe!

  9. Haha!! He looks so nice with the new neat haircut! I must go cut Elliot's hair too, it's so long and messy!!

  10. Hurray for Noah's new look! I love this photo series - esp the one with his mouth open "What happened to my hair" hehe

  11. it's a boy for sure!

    have a good 2009 you!

  12. aiyoh he's so cute! so wish i could be there to give him a cuddle. Have to say he was very good looking even with the 'shaggy mop'! :p Daph

  13. he's adorable. :) when can i see him again?! :)

  14. MG:: nah, he had to have a feed first, then he feel asleep while we were walking around later.

    ruth:: i love his shocked look there! haha.

    lilsnooze:: yeah, he love to sit up! i'm glad his head is steadier cos it makes him easier to carry.

    yuling:: haha, thanks! your hubby and mine can join the mutual baby admiration club cos DD thinks that Raeann is really cute as well!

    blushinbride:: yeah, wonder if he'll protest against a haircut in future!

    silver-crv:: that one's funny right? haha. he's got 1001 expressions! daryl did a good job capturing these -- i couldn't see much since i was holding him.

    candice & lingz:: let's meet up!! he's getting better about going out so i'm game!

    peifen:: hahaha... i thought it was olive oil? never mind lah, at least once it grows you can let it grow real LONG :)

    amanda:: yah, it was really easy to comb the next day! and dried faster after his bath as well!

    corsage:: DD as usual was trigger happy so i found myself posting too many pics! that one is also my fav.

    daph:: come back soon and cuddle me Godma!

  15. Anonymous2/1/09 11:10

    Haha, great captions! He does have a lot of hair for a little guy :)



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