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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Welcome 2009

We welcomed in 2009 in the hushed dimmed confines of our hall, just DD, Noey and I. He was fussing a bit and we were trying to get him to sleep. So we did a quiet countdown, gave each other a kiss and one for baby, sang a whispered auld lang syne and that was that. That has to count as the smallest and simplest celebration of the new year that we've ever had!

But it wasn't a measure of the year gone by, for 2008 was a really good year for us and will always be marked by Noey's birth. We'd spent most of the year in eager anticipation of our little baby and that culminated in his arrival in October. To think that we'd started the year with plans to escape the country for Chinese New Year -- for the first time ever, I might add -- in part to avoid the "so when are you going to have a baby?" questions! The joke was on us when we came back from our holiday and discovered that I was expecting.

Since he's been here our lives have not been the same, both in ways that I appreciate and ways which I'm still adjusting to. Having to replace our study with a baby room has left us a little short of storage. Getting live-in domestic help has also been a huge adjustment, especially in the confines of our little apartment. And I still haven't progressed to the point where I can go shopping with baby and concentrate on shopping -- instead I'm constantly looking at him and worrying about whether he's comfortable, or if he's hungry, needs a change, is tired or needs anything else. All that makes shopping (and other activities) rather difficult! I don't feel like myself yet, though I'm trying and I know it'll get better with time.

But then I look at his little face, I know nothing will make me want to return him, which is a good thing since I definitely can't! Since he's arrived, family ties have certainly improved, though we still run into the odd hiccup along the way. Everyone loves Noah dearly and the support offered by our immediate families has been great. And DD has been an absolute rock. He's constantly looking out for me and trying to do what he can to help, not just in looking after Noah, but also to help me find my feet, like taking time off to bring me out cos he knows I'm feeling the constraints of being stuck at home. And of course, he loves his little boy to bits. Now if only he'll actually HEAR Noey when he cries in the middle of the night... (Yes, amazingly DD can sleep through Noah's yelps and cries at night even though the cot is right beside our bed. And I know he's not bluffing cos I still hear him snoring!) But I know I only need to ask (and poke) him and he'll be up to help get what I need. I could never do this without him and I love him for it.

Noah aside, the Lord blessed us with plenty this year. We had an excellent holiday in the US in Apr -- our last big holiday before the baby -- during which I turned 30. It was the quietest birthday I've had in years, celebrated just with DD and without family and friends or my "usual surprise birthday party", but it was special. I just realised I never blogged about it! There was our gorgeous room at The Signature, David Copperfield in the afternoon and "O" at night, and dinner at the Picasso at Bellagio, and a surprise in the form of a huge arrangement of 30 roses from the hubby. But the thing that brought tears to my eyes was a letter he wrote to Noah after I'd gone to bed the night before which he read to me in the morning. There was no more memorable way I wanted to turn 30.

On the work front, I must admit that I went through most of the year feeling like I was serving notice since I was happily looking forward to my maternity at the end of the year. That did make the pain a little more bearable. Most of my colleagues were also super supportive and tried to spare me stress and additional work where possible, which was something I really appreciated.

As for friends, it was somewhat of a mixed year. Closer ties were forged with many though some have fallen by the wayside somewhat. One friendship in particular continues to affect me quite a bit with it's cooling though I pray that things will one day be the same again. I wish them well in any case. One of my best friends got married, and while I'm totally happy for her, her move away to another country has left a void I am finding hard to fill. But on the other hand, having Noah has also brought me closer to other Mummy friends, some of whom are old friends/classmates whom I haven't spoken to in years. That is something that has been great and I'm hoping that in the I would have the opportunity to develop further in the new year.

I'm not sure what 2009 will bring. From a worldly point of view, the outlook seems bleak (or at least that's what everyone is saying!). But I'm not going to worry about that, cos I know who holds tomorrow, and with Him holding our hands, we have nothing to fear. Happy New Year everyone! Here's to 2009!

I don't know about tomorrow;
I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from its sunshine
For its skies may turn to grey.

I don't worry o'er the future,
For I know what Jesus said.
And today I'll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.


  1. I love that song!
    Have a blessed 2009 dear - holding His hands :)

  2. Praise to a good year. And blessed 2009 to you and your family!

  3. love the hymn.. :) blessed 2009 to you, DD and noah!

  4. Anonymous2/1/09 14:07

    Everyone wrote such reflexive posts, and all I could think/write about is food. Can't wait to catch up again, babe!

  5. have a very good 2009.

  6. it's going to be a year of milestones as you see how noah learns so much in his first year!

    have a great 2009!

  7. Anonymous3/1/09 20:35

    Blessed new year to you too :)

  8. Anonymous5/1/09 22:29

    I loved reading that post babe. Miss u loads! Am so happy will be seeing you soon...and Noah too! I'm so glad you found your special 'friend' (*sang* in my usual ridiculous voice) in dd all those years ago. He's such a great guy :) And I can totally attest to his ability to sleep through anything even as we set up all those crazy pranks at what i think was exam time... and now you have a baby! you see, this is why I cant believe its 2009! I'm right back where it all started in 1999/2000 - and suffering the same cold!

  9. haha, yes, my "friend" in the "city of love"! how you bugged me about that ages ago! time has flown by. see you soon!



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