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Saturday, January 10, 2009

On A Hunger Strike

As they say, be careful what you wish for. We were just complainingcommenting on how heavy Noah's been getting, and suddenly over the past few days, he seems to have gone on a hungry strike, taking shorter feeds and refusing feeds at his usual intervals throughout the day.

I wouldn't normally be too concerned except in the meantime, my supply seems to have gone down. Argh! Never would I have thought that I would be so unhappy to not regularly feel engorgement! DD thinks I'm worrying about nothing since Noey will obviously drink when he's hungry and supply would adjust to meet demand (or so one hopes!). And I guess he's got plenty of reserve. But as chief cow here, I feel like I'm not meeting my KPIs or something. And everyday I study his cheeks and give his tighs a poke to see if he's growing ok. Haha. Yes, DD has already chided me for being too achievement/result oriented.

In the grand scheme of things, the boy isn't doing too badly. I whisked him to the Paed's office just to borrow their scales and tape measure and at 3 months (about 14 weeks), he's 6.9kg and 66 cm tall. If only I can figure out the percentile charts... the graph in the health book is way too small for me to read! But using Babycenter's Charts as a gauge, he's in the 90-95 percentile range for height and 50-75 for weight. This is as compared to for American babies, so I guess there's nothing to worry about. Guess I've just got to try to continue to get him to drink up!


  1. Anonymous13/1/09 13:36

    wow! raeann's only 5.8kg and 59cm. in the 50th percentile. heh.

  2. This is so weird. Bean is going through the same thing too! He would stop drinking after a while no matter how little I feed him. Hmmmm

  3. check his health booklet issued by TMC... it's got the percentile charts in there somewhere.
    you're so cute... KPIs... heh heh heh.

  4. Anonymous15/1/09 14:37

    could he be going through a growth spurt? Growth spurts typically happen around weeks 5,8,12,19,26,37,46,55.

  5. hello! Just catching up on your blog and my goodness Noah is so adorable and he's grown much bigger already! Not to worry about him not drinking enough though, apparently they reach a stage where their tummy is all developed so they feel full longer and they drop a feed or two. Caitlin's dropped her middle of the night feed already so we are catching up on much needed sleep!

  6. ooof! he's a big boy! :) don't worry too much dear, they go through these stages but when they snap out of it they'll be drinking like a barracuda again :)

    he's doing really well! what a cutie pie! :)

  7. Hey Bean Bean! Do send in your pic! Will include yours for the giveaway!=))

  8. Yuling:: I think she's a good size for a girl :)

    Michelle:: Ok, I feel somewhat relieved to hear you say that -- I'm not alone!

    Pei fen:: Yah, but the chart in the health booklet is so small lah and all the lines are bunched up at the start. How to read??

    Nanie:: I thought they'd drink more during a growth spurt, not less?

    Ker:: Hey Jan! Well, Caitlin's really grown too I see! You're sooooo lucky she's dropped the middle of the night feed. Noah's still waking up, but once only thankfully!

    Kopikia:: Heh, yah, he is a big boy, but I can't help stressing about how much he drinks... and I know I'll be groaning when he's drinking like a baraccuda as you say! We can never win :)

  9. Anonymous17/1/09 10:22

    Noah's really tall!! Can't wait to carry him!!

  10. aiyoh chief cow, you're hilarious babe :) see you soon my dear godson, i hope you bless me with many of your adorable smiles which I will endlessly try to elicit from u

  11. amanda:: yah, he is. you can't imagine how pleased his short mummy is about that!

    daph:: haha, and the giggles too!



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