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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sticky Baby

I thought it would not happen quite so soon since I faithfully let all and sundry carry Noah (well, almost), but recently, he seems to have developed a stickiness for me. Fortunately it's only in the evening when he's tired and cranky and needs to sleep. Unfortunately the evening is the only time when DD would actually be home to help carry him. As a result, even when DD's home, I'm still the one stuck carrying Noey. Hmmm.

At first I thought it was a one-off thing and left him with DD on Thursday night to go to my parents' place, only to be told later that he cried for 25 mins before settling down sadly. Oh dear. And while I am gratified that he recognises his Mummy here, I really could do with a bit of a break in the evenings! So now we're trying to increase his face time (and chewing on the shoulder time) with Daddy so that he would hopefully be okay with DD again.

But like I said, fortunately it's just in the evenings. In the day time, Noey (still) loves his Daddy.

"Okay, more when he's not making me do silly actions..."


  1. I think it's a phase..this is the time they realised they are not part of mummy (huh huh huh) and displays separation anxiety. In a weird way, this shows you have bonded really well with noah! And we mummies are always secretly glad when our babies cry for us, even though at times, we need the break.

    Oooh, we need to do a LFC thingy together!

  2. yup,agree with yvonne. don't know if you remember k's sticky stage... around 4+ months? it was made worse coz we moved to our new place and everything was strange to her. she was very difficult to cajole during that stage and only mummy would do. thank God for the sling!!!

  3. Oh could it be that he just needs you around to feel comfortable enough to fall asleep? I know another baby like that!

  4. lilsnooze:: sometimes i feel like he sees me and thinks "oh no, it's mummy again!" so it was nice (and surprising) to feel like he wanted me! hahaha... yes, the LFC thing would be cute!

    peifen:: yah, i remember you saying how poor ed felt really felt out! the sling does help indeed!

    corsage:: you may be right -- recently i've just hung around while DD carried him and it seems to be working.



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