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Monday, January 05, 2009

Rolling Stone

In the latest of developmental milestones, Noah rolled over today! From his back onto his tummy.

He'd been all cranky on me and I was getting tired of carrying him so I'd laid him on my bed and lay down beside him to yabber at him to try to distract him from the fact that he was lying down. I guess in his desire to get away from me he turned unto his side and kept going till he plopped over unto his tummy. The first time he kinda got stuck after turning over with his arm under him. The next time (cos naturally I had to get him to do it again just to check that it wasn't a fluke) he managed to extract his arm from under him. And then promptly started sucking on his fist again. Sigh. Nevertheless, I'm such a proud Mama. Haha.

I ran to get the video camera but of course all I managed to film was my disgruntled baby fussing at me pointing the camera at him AGAIN and wanting to be picked up NOW NOW NOW. Ptffff.

Maybe next time.

A well deserved chomp for a hard, oh, 1 minute of work rolling over!


  1. I think physically he's really strong... must have got that from his papa!

  2. Anonymous7/1/09 11:39

    I can't get over how tanned he is! HAHA

  3. that's SO FAST!! woohoo!!! :)

  4. Anonymous7/1/09 17:53

    *YAY*! Noah! There's alot of fun coming later, when you can crawl!

  5. Very fast!! You must have been feeding him some really good stuff!

  6. Anonymous8/1/09 12:16

    Don't we always get the video out too late? haha... yay noah!!

  7. ooh hoo! you know the funniest thing is Janet was just saying the same thing abt a week ago - that she was wondering if her baby girl had actually just turned over in front of her eyes or if it was a fluke :p

  8. olimomok:: he's lightened off somewhat! but i actually like him brown. can say he's tall, dark and handsome! haha!

    nathaniel (from noah):: can't wait to run around with you! my mum is getting worried thinking about that though!

    kopikia, michelle:: i've just got an active baby on my hands! get tired just thinking about it!

    nanie:: yah, the video is always catching the repeats! still better than nothing though :)

    daphne:: hee, yah, i just saw her post. i think caitlin was the same age -- 3 months and 3 days -- too!



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