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Friday, February 06, 2009

Our Lo Hei Lunch

For some reason, I didn't get to have yu sheng too much this year. So when Daph asked me out on a Lo Hei lunch date on Tuesday, I was all too happy to oblige. It was tradition after all!

With Noah safely in the care of my Mum, we caught up over our a massive plate of yu sheng at Crystal Jade Kitchen in Jurong Point. We ordered a "small" plate but I guess no one does Lo Hei for just 2 people. As the wait staff informed us, we could have the small plate for 2 persons, but "5 persons also can". Hmmm. That didn't stop us though!

I miss this girl so much when she's not around!

And yes, we finished the whole thing (and had a couple of plates of dim sum to boot). Ah, that really satisfied my Lo Hei cravings for the year! And I like to think that we walked it all off checking out the new and improved (and HUGE) new Jurong Point. It's now so big that the old section is called Jurong Point 1 and the new, Jurong Point 2. Offhand, I remeber there being the Clothes Publisher, M)phosis, Challenger, Harris an NTUC Xtra, Face Shop and a ton of new eating places like Hagen Daas, Bakerzin, Din Tai Fung and Kushinbo. I need to go check it out again!

1 comment:

  1. So Fab! you've got the pic up from before too! I forgot! oh dear it looks like we missed Lo Hei in 2008! hope we'll have another pic to add to the collection real soon :p *Yum*
    I am such a huge fan of the NEW jurong pt!!!



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