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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Friends of the Zoo

We took Noey on his first visit to the Zoo last weekend. In truth the visit was more for DD than Noah cos (if you didn't know) this husband of mine loves the zoo, and Noah at 4 months can barely appreciate a zoo visit. DD used to want visit the zoo a fair bit even before Noah was born, so now that we have a kid (and he has a legitimate excuse), he's been raring to go. Sophie is apparently quite a fan of the zoo too so we decided to tag along with Josh & Mich on Saturday.

Sophie being obviously more interested in the zebras -- or "Ger-Bra!" in Sophie-speak -- than Godpa's camera.

"Oh, alright, I'll look this way if you really want me to..."

Noey on the other hand, wasn't so interested in the animals.

"Get me out of here!"

And eventually, this was him for a good 45 mins? Even the din in the KFC didn't wake him up for quite a while, which was quite a record!

I wasn't aware that the zoo now has a waterplay area which, as you can expect, is a huge hit with kids. Sophie had qute a bit of fun splashing around. Noey will have to be a lot bigger before he would be able to enjoy it.

All smiles with Daddy in the process of getting changed after all that water play

Our little man on the other hand checked out the nursing room -- which was pretty decent and comfy except when we opened the bin. Phew! The smell! -- and stayed awake for a while before zonking out again.

Neither of the babies were able to make it to the White Tiger exhibit. But now that we are Friends of the Zoo, I guess we'll check it out the next time. That and the Ben & Jerry's which I had to give a miss since I had my hands full with Noey!


  1. hi! how do you know michelle? i knew her from perth and through some uni friends.

  2. Can't help but noticed that Noah is dressed in theme! ;)

    We are going to the zoo next week! Nat's first time!

  3. Anonymous7/2/09 11:48

    I love the 'new' zoo and the new acts! Sadly, we didn't know about the waterplay area too but then again, we were like walking zombies that afternoon, as we all tried to fight the zzzz bug.

  4. I can tell you'll be back. Perhaps when he starts to walk/run? :)

  5. noah always has this contented concussed look when he's snoozing....

  6. Anonymous8/2/09 15:43

    Haha, I didn't know how to appreciate the Zoo all the way till I was.. 17! Before that, was more the fun of getting there that thrilled me.

    Hope Noah gets to appreciate it more going with mummy and daddy, school excursions are too distracting! :p

  7. sue :: through our blogs!

    lilsnooze :: haha, you noticed! :) i'm sure nat would enjoy it, like sophie. and tehpeng can and will take many many nice photos :)

    muffin girl :: maybe next time you're back we can all go together!

    corsage :: i don't think DD could wait THAT long!

    peifen :: yes he does i have quite a few pics of that cos i find his expression so funny :)

    b.muse :: hee, i think playing with friends on school excursions was always more interesting than the destination!



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