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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wardrobe Reinstatement

Today I got my act together and cleared out all my maternity pants from my wardrobe, and reinstated my old pants. My maternity stuff was getting really loose and besides, I thought I REALLY needed to do something to look less frumpy and also to feel like I was getting on with my life post-baby.

Some pairs still require a bit of sucking in to fit, but the important thing is that I could still wear them. Hooray! What can I say? Breastfeeding rocks.

But you know what? I actually miss my zipless, buttonless, stretchy band pants. Zips and buttons are so fiddly! I kinda miss the convenience and just pulling on or yanking down my pants in one swift move.

And one other problem: I merrily dug out all my old clothes from storage and then felt a lack of enthusiasm for them because they were, well, my OLD clothes. The stuff that I've been wearing regularly have been my new clothes (the fact that they were maternity and/or stretchy/t-shirts notwithstanding). Oh dear. Think it's time for some shopping!


  1. yes yes lets go shopping! :p

  2. I'm obviously feeling the reverse sentiments! :( LOL

  3. you don't look frumpy lah!!

  4. daphne :: ok! Heh, hope joe doesn't kill me :)

    ruth :: oh dear! (but yes, i can imagine! eh, would you like to borrow any of my clothes?)

    pei fen :: well, i certainly feel frumpy!

  5. I TOTALLY get what you mean!

    Which was why going back to work after maternity is the perfect excuse to 1) buy clothes (cos must be mummy-duty friendly) and 2) not wear home (frumpy) wear anymore. :P

  6. Anonymous7/2/09 11:56

    BUT I miss pregnant days when you can eat and eat and no one dare says 'STOP!'. Okay, except for the gynae. Now it's back to watching the weighing scales.

  7. lilsnooze :: i knew i could count on you to understand! DD was all dismayed... haha.

    muffin girl :: i still eat and eat! but once i stop feeding i know i'll have to be a bit more circumspect...



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