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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Fairmont Mini-Break

We had a little mini-break over the weekend when we packed ourselves up and popped over to the Fairmont (formerly Raffles the Plaza) for a night. We had a voucher for a free night's stay which expires in April, so we thought now was as good a time as any to use it. Especially with me just back to work, it seemed ideal to work in some family time.

Also, since we are tinkering with the idea taking Noah to Sydney to visit some family there, we thought we'd better start by taking it slow and trying him out on a night away from home. And it was a good thing we did cos while he managed to go to sleep fine, he could not stay asleep, but instead woke up 4 times at night. 4! (His usual is 1 or at most 2.) Noah would sleep alright until he needed to change position, and somehow, he just couldn't find a sweet spot, each and every time. At 7am when I put him down and he woke up again, I couldn't take it anymore and woke DD up to take over so I could get some shuteye before we had to leave for church. SIGH. Was sceptical about Sydney before, but am definitely ruling it out for the moment and thinking of opting for somewhere closer. It's back to the drawing board for that one.

It was a pity about the sleep (or lack thereof) because it was otherwise a good weekend!

My little man looking like some towkay/loanshark boss talking business, complete his leg up and little finger sticking out! Haha. It was a comfy seat. And in case you were wondering about his fringe, that's erm, my handiwork. (Yes, I missed a spot.)

Hanging with Mummy (Eeek, my face looks so round in this pic.)

After his last failed attempt at swimming, we thought it would be good to re-introduce him to the concept in the hotel tub. And this time with me in there with him (and his favourite penguin teether), he loved it.

We had a bit of our own fun in the tub too, as you can see. HAHAHA.

Daddy and Mummy can Prego's for dinner while I get the dummy. Pfftt.

Well, Grover would do too I guess.

Bright and cheery! Can't tell that I didn't sleep properly kept my Mummy from having a good night's sleep as well...

Watching Noah conquer new territory, with a few good chews along the way, just before we checked out.

More pics here.

I now have wanderlust. You've got to make it work baby!


  1. Anonymous6/3/09 08:56

    I think it will be different when it's a trip cos you guys will be out and about during the day and Noah will really konk out at night. ;)

    Hohoho, I realised babies are very good at keeping their eyes open when water runs down their hair/face!

    I'm wanderlusting too!

  2. Anonymous6/3/09 10:30

    Noah is such a cutie!!! He really has a whole headful of hair :D

  3. Anonymous6/3/09 11:49

    Big big towkay in the making! Too cute! Yes, let's do meet up soon! :)

  4. He's really really adorable! And hey, is he not afraid of water at all? Really cool that you can have a running tap over his head like that!

  5. sydney will be fine... u'll just have to plan a very relaxed itinerary and be flexible about changing it if necessary... we brought Jireh all over Europe with us - he's one well-travelled boy!

  6. i second yvonne... all that walking about will conk out the kiddos at night! in fact, k would be so tired from all our walking about while traveling that she'd sleep anywhere. it'd be totally fine... maybe try somewhere nearer for a start? perth could be good... 4 hours only and plenty of fresh air.

    noah's so cute lah. dua towkay in the making definitely! you just need to grow his pinky fingernail and buy him his own yellow boots! hahahaah!!

  7. Anonymous7/3/09 14:09

    Noah is really adorable. :)

  8. noah and kristy make good towkays! :p

  9. lilsnooze :: i guess you're right about the conking out! he already routinely does that when we're out for most of the day on weekends. i need a holiday!

    olimomok :: yes he does! i'm so pleased it didn't all drop off!

    yuling :: ok, set!

    corsage :: DD claims it's his water-repelling eyebrows! i think it just somehow didn't get in his eyes at that point.

    jnf :: but jireh seems like such a good boy! i'm more worried about the flight actually. still thinking about it!

    peifen :: yes, i'm also thinking of perth. or bali... his pinky fingernail is threatening to grow all towkay-like without any of our intervention!

    weestories :: hey jean! thanks for stopping by. i didn't realise you blogged out of LJ. adding you to my reading list!

    lingz :: haha, i think kristy will make a better one!



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